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I discovered that the computer is not like the violin; it doesn’t take inborn genius or a lifetime of practice to get sweet music out of it  (Practice Quotes) Do not let your deeds belie your words, lest when you speak in church someone may say to himself, why do you not practice what you preach?  (Practice Quotes) The slogan that agriculture is the backbone of the nation still remains in theory and not in practice  (Practice Quotes) The practice of physic is jostled by quacks on the one side, and by science on the other  (Practice Quotes) The contrivances which are necessary to counteract the wind effects can only be understood by actual practice in the wind  (Practice Quotes) Actual practice in individual flight presents the best prospects for developing our capacity until it leads to perfected free flight  (Practice Quotes) Anyone who practices can obtain success in yoga but not one who is lazy. Constant practice alone is the secret of success  (Practice Quotes) In a sense that I am unable to explicate further, the proponents of competing paradigms practice their trades in different worlds  (Practice Quotes) There is only one curriculum, no matter what the method of education: what is basic and universal in human experience and practice, the underlying structure of culture  (Practice Quotes) When a man says that he approves something in principal, it means he hasn’t the slightest intention of putting it in practice  (Practice Quotes) Practice easing your way along. Don’t get het up or in a dither. Do your best; take it as it comes. You can handle anything if you think you can. Just keep your cool and your sense of humor  (Practice Quotes) There are to us no ties at all just in being a father. A son is distinctly an acquired taste. It’s the practice of parenthood that makes you feel that, after all, there may be something in it  (Practice Quotes) A thing may look specious in theory, and yet be ruinous in practice; a thing may look evil in theory, and yet be in practice excellent  (Practice Quotes) Speaking honestly is a fundamental principle of today’s black artist. He has given up the futile practice of speaking to whites, and has begun to speak to his brothers  (Practice Quotes) A team should never practice on a field that is not lined. Your players have to become aware of the field’s boundaries  (Practice Quotes) Medical practice is not knitting and weaving and the labor of the hands, but it must be inspired with soul and be filled with understanding and equipped with the gift of keen observation  (Practice Quotes) There are only two sorts of doctors: those who practice with their brains, and those who practice with their tongues  (Practice Quotes) Humility is a virtue all preach, none practice, and yet everybody is content to hear. The master thinks it good doctrine for his servant, the laity for the clergy, and the clergy for the laity  (Practice Quotes) People always told me that my natural ability and good eyesight were the reasons for my success as a hitter. They never talk about the practice, practice, practice  (Practice Quotes) ... Happiness is the highest good, being a realization and perfect practice of virtue, which some can attain, while others have little or none of it  (Practice Quotes) Better indeed is knowledge than mechanical practice. Better than knowledge is meditation. But better still is surrender of attachment to results, because there follows immediate peace  (Practice Quotes) The only practice that’s now constant is the practice of constantly accommodating to change  (Practice Quotes) So do not think of helpful whores as aberrational blots; I could not love you half so well without my practice shots  (Practice Quotes) The pursuit of what is true and the practice of what is good are the two most important objects of philosophy  (Practice Quotes) The discover of what is true, and the practice of that which is good, are the two most important objects of philosophy  (Practice Quotes) Reason does not work instinctively, but requires trial, practice, and instruction in order to gradually progress from one level of insight to another  (Practice Quotes) To become an able man in any profession, there are three things necessary, nature, study, and practice  (Practice Quotes) Public reformers had need first practice on their own hearts that which they purpose to try on others  (Practice Quotes) How wise are we in thought! How weak in practice! Our very virtue, like our will, is nothing  (Practice Quotes) Of all parts of wisdom, the practice is the best. Socrates was esteemed the wisest man of his time because he turned his acquired knowledge into morality, and aimed at goodness more than greatness  (Practice Quotes)
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