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If the freedom of religion, guaranteed to us by law in theory, can ever rise in practice under the overbearing inquisition of public opinion, then and only then will truth, prevail over fanaticism  (Practice Quotes) Strength is natural, but grace is the growth of habit. This charming quality requires practice if it is to become lasting  (Practice Quotes) Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools that have not wit enough to be honest  (Practice Quotes) Time is like a ship which never anchors; while I am on board, I had better do those things that may profit me at my landing, than practice such as shall cause my commitment when I come ashore  (Practice Quotes) Those who are conversant with books well know how often they mislead us when we have not a living monitor at hand to assist us in comparing practice with theory  (Practice Quotes) A judge’s duty is to grant justice, but his practice is to delay it: even those judges who know their duty adhere to the general practice  (Practice Quotes) Criticism is as often a trade as a science; it requiring more health than wit, more labor than capacity, more practice than genius  (Practice Quotes) Pornography is the theory, and rape is the practice. and what a practice. The violation of an individual woman is the metaphor for man’s forcing himself on whole nations, on nonhuman creatures, and on the planet itself  (Practice Quotes) Practice, practice, practice. Practice until you get a guitar welt on your chest... If it makes you feel good, don’t stop until you see the blood from your fingers. Then you’ll know you’re on to something!  (Practice Quotes) The practice of medicine is a thinker’s art the practice of surgery a plumber’s  (Practice Quotes) Sometimes the best, and only effective, way to kill an idea is to put it into practice  (Practice Quotes) If all mankind were suddenly to practice honesty, many thousands of people would be sure to starve  (Practice Quotes) Art is action. The way I live my life to its highest degree is by writing, the practice of art  (Practice Quotes) Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter the flame  (Practice Quotes) But I still have to practice hard if I’m going to play my best tennis  (Practice Quotes) This practice of yoga is to remove the weeds from the body so that the garden can grow  (Practice Quotes) I do a lot of yoga. I practice yoga three or four times a week. It’s an escape for me  (Practice Quotes) People of integrity and honesty not only practice what they preach, they are what they preach  (Practice Quotes) The one quality that can be developed by studious reflection and practice is the leadership of men  (Practice Quotes) But while I accept specialization in the practice, I reject it utterly in the theory of science  (Practice Quotes) A politician never forgets the precarious nature of elective life. We have never established a practice of tenure in public office  (Practice Quotes) But in practice, if often comes down to not suffering a loss as big as the huge gain you made a while ago  (Practice Quotes) There can be no doubt that the practice of opening legislative sessions with prayer has become part of the fabric of our society  (Practice Quotes) States should have the right to enact laws... Particularly to end the inhumane practice of ending a life that otherwise could live  (Practice Quotes) I defend peoples’ right to do that in a lawful manner, but I have not undertaken that practice myself  (Practice Quotes) Righteousness alone can exalt America as a nation. Whoever thou art, remember this; and in thy sphere practice virtue thyself, and encourage it in others  (Practice Quotes) Trust, practice, and then release yourself into the goodness of Existence and your life will prove that what you believe, you see  (Practice Quotes) In cathedral or cottage, the art of worship is an inner adventure; it is the personal practice of the presence of God  (Practice Quotes) The real meditation practice is how we live our lives from moment to moment to moment  (Practice Quotes) Lots of countries have great constitutions, but their leaders have a practice of ignoring the rules whenever they feel like it  (Practice Quotes)
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