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No relief was forthcoming from my then - Catholic faith, which said the practice of homosexuality was a ‘mortal sin’ subject to damnation  (Practice Quotes) One does not need buildings, money, power, or status to practice the Art of Peace. Heaven is right where you are standing, and that is the place to train  (Practice Quotes) Teach and practice, practice and teach - that is all we have; that is all we are good for; that is all we ever ought to do  (Practice Quotes) The U. S. states that allow for citizens’ initiatives tend to have fewer laws and lower taxes than the ones that don’t. But the beauty of the system is that it encourages the spread of best practice  (Practice Quotes) You can be in Tokyo or Alberta at four in the morning in your hotel and you can still practice if you feel like it. A trombone cannot do that at four in the morning  (Practice Quotes) Kids should practice autographing baseballs. This is a skill that’s often overlooked in Little League  (Practice Quotes) Even if I don’t have the money to take vocal lessons, I’ll practice in the house by myself singing out loud  (Practice Quotes) That’s my fun time so, to me, doing my homework, studying on what I do, watching the movies, listening to music, all that inspires me so I focus a lot on that and practice  (Practice Quotes) I’m glad I made the decision, although the practice of law - and particularly serving as a federal judge - was a part of my life that I really enjoyed and treasured and look back on it with fondness  (Practice Quotes) I don’t see pitches down the middle anymore - not even in batting practice  (Practice Quotes) I believe that nothing enjoys a higher estate in our society than the right given by the First and Fourteenth Amendments freely to practice and proclaim one’s religious convictions  (Practice Quotes) Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day  (Practice Quotes) Practice is everything. This is often misquoted as Practice makes perfect  (Practice Quotes) Every Friday we’d do a final practice ‘walk - through’ for the game, and I just remember we were always out on the field dancing and singing together  (Practice Quotes) World - wide practice of Conservation and the fair and continued access by all nations to the resources they need are the two indispensable foundations of continuous plenty and of permanent peace  (Practice Quotes) No exile at the South Pole or on the summit of Mont Blanc separates us more effectively from others than the practice of a hidden vice  (Practice Quotes) If you practice an art, be proud of it and make it proud of you It may break your heart, but it will fill your heart before it breaks it; it will make you a person in your own right  (Practice Quotes) In practice, I’ve had a presence in China since 1998 with my commercial spaces and shops  (Practice Quotes) Nothing I do can’t be done by a 10 - year - old with 15 years of practice  (Practice Quotes) Many roads lead to the Path, but basically there are only two: reason and practice  (Practice Quotes) I was brought up a very strict Catholic and I don’t practice anymore or anything  (Practice Quotes) So, Mr. President, what is wrong with the fair employment practice bill?  (Practice Quotes) I try to be consistent, so I practice yoga and Pilates to help keep my body and mind balanced  (Practice Quotes) Magic has always been of a great interest of mine. I was an amateur magician when I was young. I used to practice and read up on it a lot. I’m well-aware of the history of magic  (Practice Quotes) At the heart of it, mastery is practice. Mastery is staying on the path  (Practice Quotes) I’m very much involved with Asian art and its theory and practice, mainly Chinese because that was quite sophisticated. I tend to look at that more than I look the Western  (Practice Quotes) Man can be an atheist only in theory, not in practice, because the universe is too frightening and too chaotic to be too independent  (Practice Quotes) Begin with bodhicitta, do the main practice without concepts,Conclude by dedicating the merit. These, together and complete,Are the three vital supports for progressing on the path to liberation  (Practice Quotes) Don’t read the sutras - practice meditation. Don’t take up the broom - practice meditation. Don’t plant tea seeds - practice meditation  (Practice Quotes) You play the golf course just like you played it in your practice rounds and you stick to your game plan and just try to get whatever you can out of it  (Practice Quotes)
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