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It takes about 6 hours of practice a day for quite a few years to become a professional juggler. I started when I was 14 and that discipline has helped me immensely as a performer  (Practice Quotes) Change isn’t always easy, but with purposeful practice, any old habit can be replaced with a way of being we would recommend to those we love  (Practice Quotes) Benny [Goodman] used to practice 15 times more than the whole band combined  (Practice Quotes) The stage is not for me to practice. I’m not that artist. You practice at home and when you get on stage, it’s time for a conversation  (Practice Quotes) For me, there’s a very clear parallel between the practice of insight in Buddhism and what’s called prajna - the insight that arrives through meditation  (Practice Quotes) The practice of employing metaphor and image and composition and linguistic choices to move the reader through the content  (Practice Quotes) Writing about my illness put me into places. It was very triggering. I had to completely remove myself and practice self-care. I learned to be patient  (Practice Quotes) I have a spiritual practice which helps to keep me grounded and centered  (Practice Quotes) I’m not religious, but I am spiritual and I am creating my own practice  (Practice Quotes) When I was taking my canoeing lessons I was given this oar to practice with, and I decided to have everyone sign it. All the cast and crew signed it and now I’m going to frame it  (Practice Quotes) Consistently practice love and everything that falls under the category of love: gratitude, laughter, friendship, joy, forgiveness, acceptance, peace, and trust  (Practice Quotes) Unbinding the Heart really means to bring awareness to those areas we have restricted in our hearts and start to let go, open up, and practice staying open no matter what happens or doesn’t happen  (Practice Quotes) Good cardio helps in any athletic practice, but in jujitsu, it has been very helpful late in a sparring session where a long roll starts to take its toll on your cardio  (Practice Quotes) If I actively practice gratitude, I am able to keep myself grounded in the high times and lift myself up in the low times  (Practice Quotes) It is true, we should not be discussing in a wide spread way the exact tactics that we’re going to use because that allows terrorist to know to practice how to evade us  (Practice Quotes) At one point in my practice, of the 10 largest homebuilders in the United States, seven of the 10 were my clients  (Practice Quotes) You have to train your mind and your ears, but they’re more like athletic skills. So, part of music you just have to learn those things or you can’t practice the art  (Practice Quotes) Usually I do a practice in the morning first and then meditate. I’m fortunate that I can do it in a car, in a bus, in a plane  (Practice Quotes) I kept a diary as a teenager but I never would have shared it with anyone. Still, I think it’s very good practice to write things down  (Practice Quotes) When I started, these [yoga] were very functional practices, as I said, productive to lose weight, or whatever, and now it has become a very spiritual kind of practice  (Practice Quotes) Through yoga practice you can change the course of your life by purifying your karma. But to do that you must have an idea of where you’ve been and where you want to go  (Practice Quotes) Mixed Martial Arts is a dangerous practice that could result in injuries and loss of life  (Practice Quotes) The Sufi way is through knowledge and practice, not through intellect and talk  (Practice Quotes) Yet you should practice the greatest possible love and confidence in treating with Him  (Practice Quotes) I think generally the Japanese players have more intensity in practice but generally I do the same things  (Practice Quotes) I guess I’m not a professional’s professional. I think I’d rather go to the dentist than play a practice round  (Practice Quotes) Life is too short to spend at war with yourself. Practice acceptance and forgiveness. Letting go of the past is your first step to  (Practice Quotes) Practice justice in word and deed, and do not get in the habit of acting thoughtlessly about anything  (Practice Quotes) I continually stress to my players that all I expect from them at practice and in the games is their maximum effort  (Practice Quotes) Turning negativity into positivity is hard at first, but gets easier over time the more you practice doing it  (Practice Quotes)
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