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Be like the fox who makes more tracks than necessary, some in the wrong direction. Practice resurrection  (Practice Quotes) He who cannot withal keep his mind to himself cannot practice any considerable thing whatsoever  (Practice Quotes) Zen is the fastest method I know of, aside from mysticism, of dissolving the fixations people have about spiritual practice and themselves  (Practice Quotes) Getting a chance to practice six months against my own teammates, who I consider the best soccer players in the world, there’s no way I couldn’t improve  (Practice Quotes) Practice what you preach. Then, once you are done practicing, do it for real  (Practice Quotes) When we practice mindfulness, our nonphysical side merges with the nonphysical side of that which we are experiencing  (Practice Quotes) Practice what you preach and beyond, and if you must, only preach what you practice  (Practice Quotes) An anarchist society, far from being a remote ideal, has become a precondition for the practice of ecological principles  (Practice Quotes) Rules when you love someone: give and don’t expect, advice but don’t command, ask but never demand. Simple but it take a lifetime to practice  (Practice Quotes) To become really good at anything, you have to practice and repeat, practice and repeat, until the technique becomes intuitive  (Practice Quotes) The agony of international relations is the need to try to practice politics without the basic conditions for political order  (Practice Quotes) Learn avidly. Question repeatedly what you have learned. Analyze it carefully. Then put what you have learned into practice intelligently  (Practice Quotes) You don’t have to accept the invitation to get angry. Instead, practice forgiveness, empathy and encouragement  (Practice Quotes) It is the enemy who can truly teach us to practice the virtues of compassion and tolerance  (Practice Quotes) Minimum words whispered with maximum effect, I love it when people practice this  (Practice Quotes) In my own case, who have spent my whole life in the practice of virtue, right conduct from habitual has become natural  (Practice Quotes) In science, as in common life, we frequently see that a novelty in system or in practice, cannot be duly appreciated till time has sobered the enthusiasm of its advocates  (Practice Quotes) From my own experience I can tell you that when I practice altruism and care for others, it immediately makes me calmer and more secure  (Practice Quotes) The past is lessons to learn. The present is opportunity to practice those lessons. The future is time to enjoy those lessons learned  (Practice Quotes) The secret to success is to practice and train hard so you can be ready when your opportunity comes  (Practice Quotes) The only way to obtain perfection in any field is constant learning and practice  (Practice Quotes) I maintain that many an inventor, many a diplomat, many a financier is a sounder philosopher than all those who practice the dull craft of experimental psychology  (Practice Quotes) An easily accessible and transparent database of contract information will bring sunshine into the confusing and sometimes shadowy practice of government contracting  (Practice Quotes) By the practice of meditation, you will find that you are carrying within your heart a portable paradise  (Practice Quotes) Take chances and make mistakes. That’s how I grow. I have to fail in order to practice being brave  (Practice Quotes) Everything is practice. Every word you write and action you take is a chance to get better  (Practice Quotes) The physics are simple in theory, but in practice they are filled with the possibility for limitless error  (Practice Quotes) Practice makes perfect, so jump in feet first. You will only learn by doing  (Practice Quotes) The wise woman patterns her life on the theory and practice of modern banking. She never gives her love, but only lends it on the best security and at the highest rate of interest  (Practice Quotes) In the Buddha’s life story we see the three stages of practice: Morality comes first, then concentrated meditation, and then wisdom. And we see that the path takes time  (Practice Quotes)
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