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For Christians, they need to access the power of Jesus and not look at Christianity as a religion. It is our Lord Jesus that makes you change, and Christians need to actualize it and put it into practice.  (Practice Quotes) Most of the big banks were shot through with short-termism, deceptive practices and self-dealing. We must institute basic changes in corporate governance and in management practice to restore responsibility and honesty for the sake of the economy and for the self-respect of the country.  (Practice Quotes) Constants are widely known for the detestable practice of changing their values; we should prepare ourselves against the consequences of such fickleness  (Practice Quotes) To forgive a friend, one must practice generosity. To forgive an enemy, one must practice empathy. To forgive yourself requires charity. Forgiveness is a sacred act of gallantry.  (Practice Quotes) I don’t work with a trainer. I just go to cheerleading practice and run a couple times a week.  (Practice Quotes) To be a good father and mother requires that the parents defer many of their own needs and desires in favor of the needs of their children. As a consequence of this sacrifice, conscientious parents develop a nobility of character and learn to put into practice the selfless truths taught by the Savior Himself.  (Practice Quotes) I have discovered that we may be in some degree whatever character we choose. Besides, practice forms a man to anything.  (Practice Quotes) Go practice if you please with men and women: leave a child alone for Christ’s particular love’s sake!  (Practice Quotes) For us to think we can enjoy, understand and practice the Christian religion with just Matthew to Revelation is foolishness.  (Practice Quotes) The very idea that you could have separation between mosque and state from Islam’s perspective is the imposition on them of Christian practice. Islam doesn’t really have a place for state. They are a universalistic faith like Christianity, but they think there is no country that bounds Islam.  (Practice Quotes) I think there ought to be a strict separation or wall built between our religious faith and our practice of political authority in office. I don’t think the President of the United States should extoll Christianity if he happens to be a Christian at the expense of Judaism, Islam or other faiths.  (Practice Quotes) I realize that many elements of the Buddhist teaching can be found in Christianity, Judaism, Islam. I think if Buddhism can help, it is the concrete methods of practice.  (Practice Quotes) ISIS goes after any group that deviates from its extreme ideology, dissident Muslims, for example, or the Yazidis who practice an ancient religion distinct from both Islam and Christianity.  (Practice Quotes) Nothing during the year is so impressively convincing as the vision Christmas brings of what this world would be if love became the daily practice of human beings.  (Practice Quotes) I am spiritual but not massively religious, and I don’t go to church. If someone said ‘What religion are you?’ I would say ‘Christian.’ But I don’t practice.  (Practice Quotes) Three, Christians who practice repentance should be the only ones allowed into church membership and leadership.  (Practice Quotes) If all Church power vests in the clergy, then the people are practically bound to passive obedience in all matters of faith and practice; for all right of private judgment is then denied.  (Practice Quotes) The most extremist power any political leader can assert is the power to target his own citizens for execution without any charges or due process, far from any battlefield. The Obama administration has not only asserted exactly that power in theory, but has exercised it in practice.  (Practice Quotes) . . . What role does historiography play in the way a society and culture remembers past events? Does the historian have a moral or civic responsibility to this project of memory that ought to influence the way he or she engages in historical practice? Should moral concerns influence the historian’s choice of subject matter, of issues to discuss, of evidence to use?  (Practice Quotes) Practice good personal hygiene. Wash your hands before you eat. Be aware of good clean water and food sources.  (Practice Quotes) Try and get out into nature for even 30 min. each day to clear your head think walk breathe. Great daily practice.  (Practice Quotes) I practice yoga nidra to support my mental health and clear my mind space  (Practice Quotes) If you’re not comfortable with public speaking - and nobody starts out comfortable; you have to learn how to be comfortable - practice. I cannot overstate the importance of practicing. Get some close friends or family members to help evaluate you, or somebody at work that you trust.  (Practice Quotes) Growing up in Harlem, I had the chance to practice with a Negro League team. At fifteen, I was over six feet tall and a fair athlete, but my skills didn’t come close to some of the players I saw.  (Practice Quotes) You try to tap into a memory and you close your eyes and it comes back. So I was doing this in the painting and then that became a practice of mine. Sometimes it was a cathartic situation, a way to meditate.  (Practice Quotes) If you’re a new artist, practice your art and share it. Set up shop somewhere, whether it’s a street corner or a coffee shop. I got my start in a coffee shop that didn’t even have live music. I wanted to play in coffee shops that did have live music, but I didn’t have an audience.  (Practice Quotes) I really enjoyed high-school football, but I didn’t really enjoy college football. I liked to play the games, but I didn’t like the practice. In baseball, I enjoy the practice almost as much as the games.  (Practice Quotes) I particularly enjoy cello music because our daughter plays the cello. I have listened to her practice for so many hours that I am familiar with the music written for that instrument. I am also fond of the popular music of the 1930s because my future husband and I danced to it so many Saturday nights when we were in college.  (Practice Quotes) The recognition of the coming and going of things is a first step in training and practice  (Practice Quotes) I will practice coming back to the present moment...not letting regrets and sorrow drag me back into the past or letting anxieties, fears, or cravings pull me out...  (Practice Quotes)
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