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Prada Quotes

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It’s hard not to love everything Prada does  (Prada Quotes) I love Prada shoes. I cannot get enough of them. Or Valentino.  (Prada Quotes) Prada is extremely directed in terms of communicating what they like and what they don’t like. That is actually extremely pleasant because it clarifies very easily what you can do and what you need to do  (Prada Quotes) But I’m not crazy about the designers like Prada and Gucci. I hate going into designer stores  (Prada Quotes) I would say there is no Prada woman. I’m interested in women in general. I don’t have any kind of preference  (Prada Quotes) Christian Louboutin - his shoes are classic and can be worn for any occasion. I love the feel of Prada shoes and the comfort of Fendi. I like Miu Miu and Nicholas Kirkwood. A shoe can decide how stylish you are.  (Prada Quotes) If I could ask Ken Lay one question right now, do you know what it would be? Does the Devil really wear Prada?  (Prada Quotes) I would say there is no Prada woman. I’m interested in women in general. I don’t have any kind of preference.  (Prada Quotes) I’d love to do a big hair campaign for L’Oreal, and Prada would be great, too, obviously  (Prada Quotes) I don’t like the fashion world. It’s too nasty, too rip-off, too hard. And now it’s all Gucci and Prada; it’s very difficult to make your own business.  (Prada Quotes) But I’m not crazy about the designers like Prada and Gucci. I hate going into designer stores.  (Prada Quotes)