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Prate Quotes

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With patient inattention hear him prate  (Prate Quotes) So let them ease their hearts with prate of equal rights, which man never knew  (Prate Quotes) Aristocrats need not be rich, but they must be free, and in the modern world freedom grows rarer the more we prate about it  (Prate Quotes) And prate and preach about what others prove, as if the world and they were hand and glove  (Prate Quotes) Tut, tut, my lord! We will not stand to prate; talkers are no good doers. Be assured: We go to use our hands, and not our tongues  (Prate Quotes) Thou sure and firm set Earth, hear not my steps, which way they walk, for fear the very stones prate of my whereabout  (Prate Quotes) I find it next to impossible to remain politely silent when people prate to me about the glory of being given another chance to live happily ever after!  (Prate Quotes) Our sainted aunts prate of living for others while our rich uncles call us mollycoddles for not fighting for what we want. Murder is a patriotic act if you commit it in a uniform; it is the blackest sin if you kill someone while wearing a gray flannel suit  (Prate Quotes) If we have a correct theory but merely prate about it, pigeonhole it and do not put it into practice, then that theory, however good, is of no significance  (Prate Quotes) A fool is he that comes to preach or prate, when men with swords their right and wrong debate  (Prate Quotes) But while they prate of economic laws, men and women are starving. We must lay hold of the fact that economic laws are not made by nature. They are made by human beings  (Prate Quotes) My crime is that I will not go with the multitude to do evil. My singularity is that when I say that freedom is of God and slavery is of the devil, I mean just what I say. My fanaticism is that I insist on the American people abolishing slavery, or ceasing to prate on the rights of man  (Prate Quotes) We prate of freedom; we are in deadly fear of life, as much of our own American scene betrays  (Prate Quotes) Prate not to me of suicide, Faint heart in battle, not for pride I say Endure, but that such end denied Makes welcomer yet the death that’s to be died.  (Prate Quotes)