Pray For Quotes

Text Quotes
It is not only our duty to pray for others, but also to desire the prayers of others for ourselves (Pray For Quotes)
And thus I take my leave of the world and of you all, and I heartily desire you all to pray for me (Pray For Quotes)
I pray for miracles. I have always found prayer to bring quick results (Pray For Quotes)
I don’t go to church regular. But I pray for answers to my problems (Pray For Quotes)
I sit beside my lonely fire and pray for wisdom yet for calmness to remember or courage to forget (Pray For Quotes)
When your heart is broken, you plant seeds in the cracks and pray for rain (Pray For Quotes)
We must pray for more prayer, for it is the world’s mightiest healing force (Pray For Quotes)
You can pray for whatever you want, but it is always best to pray for others, not for yourself (Pray For Quotes)
As believers, you don’t need to pray for a new heart, you need to pray for a new head (Pray For Quotes)
If you are ever inclined to pray for a missionary, do it at once, wherever you are (Pray For Quotes)
I was shocked that someone I didn’t even know would take the time to pray for me (Pray For Quotes)
Cold hearts don’t bleed. Still they pray for eternity, never seeing tomorrow (Pray For Quotes)
I did not pray for any relief, but I prayed for strength to suffer with courage, humility and love (Pray For Quotes)
From now on you must pray for your people and yourself three times a day (Pray For Quotes)
Be careful what you ask for because when you pray for rain, you have to deal with the mud as well (Pray For Quotes)
Sometimes when you’re suffering really intensely, you can’t pray for yourself (Pray For Quotes)
Life is full of miracles, but they’re not always the ones we pray for (Pray For Quotes)
You pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud too. That’s a part of it (Pray For Quotes)
We often want one thing and pray for another, not telling the truth even to the gods (Pray For Quotes)
That is to say, I pray for you. And there’s an intimacy in it. That’s the truth (Pray For Quotes)
We ought as much to pray for a blessing upon our daily rod as upon our daily bread (Pray For Quotes)
You pray for the hungry. Then you feed them. That’s how prayer works (Pray For Quotes)
It is a great privilege, as well as our responsibility, to pray for our government leaders (Pray For Quotes)
Peace is always possible but we have to seek it. Let us pray for peace (Pray For Quotes)
Today is my anniversary of ordination to the priesthood. Please pray for me and all priests (Pray For Quotes)
If dreams of flying are the last hope of freedom, I will pray for wings with my last breath (Pray For Quotes)
If you pray for rain, don’t be surprised if you’re struck by lightning (Pray For Quotes)
If you want to find out how much someone loves you, find out how much they pray for you (Pray For Quotes)
We do pray for mercy, and that same prayer doth teach us all to render the deeds of mercy (Pray For Quotes)
Pray for great things, expect great things, work for great things, but above all pray (Pray For Quotes)