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Prayer Quotes

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Never waste a prayer on something that isn’t important  (Prayer Quotes) Feeding the birds is also a form of prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Don’t be overwhelmed... take it one day and one prayer at a time  (Prayer Quotes) Worrying is just a prayer for the worst possible scenario  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer is a path where there is none  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer is the laying aside of thoughts  (Prayer Quotes) At the heart of every revival is the spirit of prayer  (Prayer Quotes) One of the greatest fruits of obedience is bold confidence in prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer is the key ingredient of the church. The enemy hates it when we pray  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer is asking for rain and faith is carrying the umbrella  (Prayer Quotes) A church that likes power likes prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Inaugurals conventionally start with a history lesson and finish with a prayer  (Prayer Quotes) The life of a good man is a continual prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Sometimes I think that just not thinking of oneself is a form of prayer  (Prayer Quotes) The only certainties that don’t break down are those acquired in prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Say a prayer for the lost generation, who spin the wheel out of desperation  (Prayer Quotes) Before I put on my make up, I say a little prayer for you  (Prayer Quotes) The thermometer of a church is its prayer meeting  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer can be simple, but it’s not easy. Nothing great is  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer has the power to change mountains into highways  (Prayer Quotes) You’re just a prayer away from a change of heart  (Prayer Quotes) The angels can be thought of as our prayer partners  (Prayer Quotes) The prayer closet is the arena which produces the overcomer  (Prayer Quotes) Were in prayer, as indeed you ought to be  (Prayer Quotes) The stillness in art characterizes prayer, and the eye of the storm  (Prayer Quotes) Short prayer pierceth heaven  (Prayer Quotes) In prayer, more is accomplished by listening than by talking  (Prayer Quotes) Every chain that spirits wear crumbles in the breadth of prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer is more than words. It’s listening, seeing and feeling  (Prayer Quotes)
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