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Prayer Quotes

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God answers prayer in three ways: yes, no, and wait awhile  (Prayer Quotes) Sin keeps a man from prayer, and prayer keeps a man from sin  (Prayer Quotes) Labor, you know, is prayer  (Prayer Quotes) There is only one prayer and that is prayer for light, for purity, for perfection  (Prayer Quotes) A coward cannot have any prayer answered  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer is an act of love. Words are not needed  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer is a concentration of positive thoughts  (Prayer Quotes) Embark on no enterprise which you cannot submit to the test of prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Happy is the spirit that attains to the perfect formlessness at the time of prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Reading the morning newspaper is the realist’s morning prayer  (Prayer Quotes) God is using my struggle. My struggle is the answer to the prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Passion produced out of prayer and praise pushes you to extremes  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer is and remains always a native and deepest impulse of the soul of man  (Prayer Quotes) As you walk upon the sacred earth, treat each step as a prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer never changes the laws of nature  (Prayer Quotes) The government ought to stay out of the prayer business  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer, study, and suffering make a pastor  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer is simple, as simple as a child making known its wants to it parents  (Prayer Quotes) A lack of endurance is one of the greatest causes of defeat, especially in prayer  (Prayer Quotes) When you live with constant gratitude, your life will become a living prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Christians, instead of arming themselves with swords, extend their hands in prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Perhaps the shortest and most powerful prayer in human language is help  (Prayer Quotes) Things happen which would not happen without prayer. Let us not forget that  (Prayer Quotes) All poetry, as discriminated from the various paradigms of prosody, is prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer must not be our chance work but our daily business, our habit and vocation  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer that craves a particular commodity, anything less than all good, is vicious  (Prayer Quotes) The most eloquent prayer is the prayer through hands that heal and bless  (Prayer Quotes) My constant prayer for myself is to be used in service for the greater good  (Prayer Quotes) Lord, lord, lord. Protect me from the consequences of the above prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Trouble and perplexity drive me to prayer, and prayer drives away perplexity and trouble  (Prayer Quotes)
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