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Prayer Quotes

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Prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge for Satan  (Prayer Quotes) In the prayer of faith there is a divine science; it is a science that everyone who would make his lifework a success must understand  (Prayer Quotes) A pair of hands clasped in earnest prayer is the best means we have this side of heaven to hang onto Jesus for dear life  (Prayer Quotes) It is a solemn thing to find oneself drawn out in prayer which knows no relief till the soul it is burdened with is born. It is no less solemn afterwards, until Christ is formed in them  (Prayer Quotes) Religion is only in the service of the people; it is not in the rosary and the prayer carpet  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer must carry on our work as much as preaching; he preacheth not heartily to his people that will not pray for them  (Prayer Quotes) My hope and prayer is that everyone know and love our country for what she really is and what she stands for  (Prayer Quotes) Our hands imbibe like roots, so I place them on what is beautiful in this world. And I fold them in prayer, and they draw from the heavens light  (Prayer Quotes) We don't pray to win. We pray to play the best we can, and to keep us free from injury. And the prayer we say after the game is one of thanksgiving  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer is like Thanksgiving dinner. It takes one hour to eat it and ten hours to prepare it  (Prayer Quotes) When we make a habit of prayer, we stay constantly tuned to God's presence and open to receive his blessings  (Prayer Quotes) People who are serious about something always make room for it in their schedules. If prayer is important to you, then you'll find time to do it  (Prayer Quotes) Don't let your prayers turn into a wish list for Santa Claus. Worship God and praise him when you come to him in prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Developing prayer fitness is similar to developing physical fitness: we must follow a pattern in order to stay balanced  (Prayer Quotes) One prayer routine that is balanced and easy to remember is found in the word ACTS, an acrostic whose four letters stand for adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication  (Prayer Quotes) Adoration in prayer reminds us of God's identity and inclination. As we list his attributes, lifting up his character and personality, we reinforce our understanding of who he is  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer is fundamentally a transformation of will, a lifting of the heart and will to God  (Prayer Quotes) If you're tolerating sin in your life, my friend, don't waste your breath praying unless it's a prayer of confession  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer busters (causes of unanswered prayer) are prayerlessness, unconfessed sin, unresolved relational conflict, selfishness, uncaring attitudes, and inadequate faith  (Prayer Quotes) How would you feel if your prayer requests were made public, displayed on a billboard or marquee? Dear Lord, make me famous. Make me rich  (Prayer Quotes) When Jesus prayed the model prayer we call the Lord's Prayer, his first requests were that God's name be shown reverence, that his kingdom come, that his will be done  (Prayer Quotes) One reason we stop praying or let our prayer lives fade is that we are too comfortable  (Prayer Quotes) The time of day we choose for prayer doesn't matter, so long as we keep it faithfully. Prayer must be part of the rhythm of our daily lives  (Prayer Quotes) Premeditation of thought and brevity of expression are the great ingredients of that reverence that is required to a pious and acceptable prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer is so necessary, and the source of so many blessings, that he who has discovered the treasure cannot be prevented from having recourse to it, whenever he has an opportunity  (Prayer Quotes) To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world  (Prayer Quotes) To pray,... Is to desire; but it is to desire what God would have us desire. He who desires not from the bottom of his heart, offers a deceitful prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Though smooth be the heartless prayer, no ear in heaven will mind it; and the finest phrase falls dead, if there is no feeling behind it  (Prayer Quotes) Cease to pray and thou will begin to sin. Prayer is not only a means to prevail for mercy but also to prevent sin  (Prayer Quotes) Pray often rather than very long at a time. It is hard to be very long in prayer, and not slacken in our affections  (Prayer Quotes)
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