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Prayer Quotes

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On every level of life, from housework to heights of prayer, in all judgment and efforts to get things done, hurry and impatience are sure marks of the amateur  (Prayer Quotes) The day you learn to be publically specific in your prayer, that is the day you will discover power  (Prayer Quotes) If you don’t pray often, you won’t gain a love for praying. Prayer is work, and therefore it is not very appealing to our natural sensibilities. But the simple rule for prayer is this: Begin praying and your taste for prayer will increase. The more you pray, the more you will acquire the desire for prayer, the energy for prayer, and the sense of purpose in prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Make time for prayer and reflection; try to understand your value as a man on earth but see, too, your proper place in the scheme of things. It may sound funny to say this, but I have come to see that we are all far more important and less important than we think  (Prayer Quotes) Hope is good. Without it, well, you do the math. But hope has to be like a prayer. Putting it out there to something more powerful than yourself  (Prayer Quotes) Before I die, I want to be somebody’s favorite hiding place, the place they can put everything they know they need to survive, every secret, every solitude, every nervous prayer, and be absolutely certain I will keep it safe. I will keep it safe  (Prayer Quotes) Lately I’ve been thinking about who I want to love, and how I want to love, and why I want to love the way I want to love, and what I need to learn to love that way, and how I need to become to become the kind of love I want to be. And when I break it all down, when I whittle it into a single breath, it essentially comes out like this: before I die, I want to be somebody’s favorite hiding place, the place they can put everything they need to survive, every secret, every solitude, every nervous prayer, and be absolutely certain I will keep it safe. I will keep it safe  (Prayer Quotes) You can have a silence full of words. A lute retains, in its bowl, the notes it has played. The viol, in its strings, holds a concord. A shriveled petal can hold its scent, a prayer can rattle with curses; an empty house, when the owners have gone out, can still be loud with ghosts  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire. Your desire is your prayer. It comes out of your deepest needs and it reveals the things you want in life  (Prayer Quotes) ... the goodness of God is the highest object of prayer and it reaches down to our lowest need  (Prayer Quotes) You’re trying not to tell him you love him, and you’re trying to choke down the feeling, and you’re trembling, but he reaches over and he touches you, like a prayer for which no words exist, and you feel your heart taking root in your body, like you’ve discovered something you don’t even have a name for  (Prayer Quotes) Spiritual reading is a regular, essential part of the life of prayer, and particularly is it the support of adoring prayer  (Prayer Quotes) When we give ourselves over completely to the spirit of the dance, it becomes a prayer  (Prayer Quotes) You’re young and you’re bulletproof and invincible. But never underestimate the power of other people’s love and prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Good art is a form of prayer. It’s a way to say what is not sayable  (Prayer Quotes) As a rule, prayer is answered and funds come in, but if we are kept waiting, the spiritual blessing that is the outcome is far mar precious than exemption from the trial  (Prayer Quotes) The prayer of the monk is not perfect until he no longer recognizes himself or the fact that he is praying  (Prayer Quotes) There has never been a spiritual awakening in any country or locality that did not begin in united prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer that runs its course till the last day of life needs a strong and tranquil soul  (Prayer Quotes) The prayer that prevails is not the work of lips and fingertips. It is the cry of a broken heart and the travail of a stricken soul  (Prayer Quotes) Satan cannot deny but that great wonders have been wrought by prayer. As the spirit of prayer goes up, so his kingdom goes down. Satan’s strategems against prayer are three. First, if he can, he will keep thee from prayer. If that be not feasible, secondly, he will strive to interrupt thee in prayer. And, thirdly, if that plot takes not, he will labour to hinder the success of thy prayer  (Prayer Quotes) It makes a great difference in our feeling towards others if their needs and their joys are on our lips in prayer; as also it makes a vast difference in their feelings towards us if they know that we are in the habit of praying for them  (Prayer Quotes) Give yourself to prayer, to reading and meditation on divine truths: strive to penetrate to the bottom of them and never be content with a superficial knowledge  (Prayer Quotes) The reason so many people do not pray is because of its cost. The cost is not so much in the sweat of agonizing supplication as in the daily fidelity to the life of prayer  (Prayer Quotes) As white snowflakes fall quietly and thickly on a winter day, answers to prayer will settle down upon you at every step you take, even to your dying day. The story of your life will be the story of prayer and answers to prayer  (Prayer Quotes) There are many beautiful things in the world around us, but pearls can only be discovered in the depths of the sea; if we wish to posses spiritual pearls we must plunge into the depths, that is, we must pray, we must sink down into the secret depths of contemplation and prayer. Then we shall perceive precious pearls  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer is the only way to amend your life: and without prayer, it will never be mended  (Prayer Quotes) Every kind of prayer, not intercessory prayer only, which is the highest kind of prayer, but all prayer, from the lowest kind to the highest, is impossible in a life of known and allowed sin  (Prayer Quotes) Admit sin, and you banish prayer. But, on the other hand, entertain, and encourage, and practice prayer, and sin will sooner or later flee before it  (Prayer Quotes) If you find your life of prayer to be always so short, and so easy, and so spiritual, as to be without cost and strain and sweat to you, you may depend upon it, you have not yet begun to pray  (Prayer Quotes)
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