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Prayer Quotes

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When you’re really caught up in writing a poem, it can be a form of prayer. I’m not very good at praying, but what I experience when I’m writing a poem is close to prayer. I feel it in different degrees and not with every poem. But in certain ways writing is a form of prayer  (Prayer Quotes) I have felt the impact of your prayer in these past weeks. I am certain now that nothing has had a more powerful infl uence on this life of mine than your prayers  (Prayer Quotes) I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk about, when I lie down and when I rise up. And the answers are always coming  (Prayer Quotes) Satisfaction consists in the cutting off of the causes of the sin. Thus, fasting is the proper antidote to lust; prayer to pride, to envy, anger and sloth; alms to covetousness  (Prayer Quotes) He who has a pure heart will never cease to pray; and he who will be constant in prayer, shall know what it is to have a pure heart  (Prayer Quotes) Not to employ prayer with my patients was the equivalent of deliberately withholding a potent drug or surgical procedure  (Prayer Quotes) Trust, which is a virtue, is also a habit, like prayer. It requires exercise. And just as no one can run five miles a day and cede the cardiovascular effects to someone else, no one can trust for us  (Prayer Quotes) There is a prayer that lives in the center of your heart. If you pray it, it will change your life. How does it begin?  (Prayer Quotes) The politician’s prayer is: May my words be ever soft and low, for I may have to eat them  (Prayer Quotes) And every breath I ever took, every tear I ever wept, every star I wished upon seemed nothing until now. Every prayer I ever said seemed strangely answered now. Could it be I’m in love? Could it be I’m in love?  (Prayer Quotes) The secret art of inviting blessings. The spiritual medicine of all diseases. Morning and night, join your hands in prayer and repeat these words out loud and in your heart for the improvement of body and mind  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer is the force as real as terrestrial gravity. As a physician, I have seen men, after all other therapy had failed, lifted out of disease and melancholy by the serene effort of prayer. Only in prayer do we achieve that complete and harmonious assembly of body, mind and spirit which gives the frail human reed its unshakable strength  (Prayer Quotes) Prevailing prayer is that which secures an answer. Saying prayers is not offering prevailing prayer. The prevalence of prayer does not depend so much on quantity as on quality  (Prayer Quotes) The joy which answers to prayer give, cannot be described; and the impetus which they afford to the spiritual life is exceedingly great  (Prayer Quotes) The most glorious works of grace that have ever took place, have been in answer to prayer  (Prayer Quotes) If you think that the gospel is all about what we can do, that the practice of it is optional, and that conversion is simply something that anyone can choose at any time, then I’m concerned that you’ll think of evangelism as nothing more than a sales job where the prospect is to be won over to sign on the dotted line by praying a prayer, followed by an assurance that he is the proud owner of salvation  (Prayer Quotes) I have never separated the writing of poetry from prayer. I have grown up believing it is a vocation, a religious vocation  (Prayer Quotes) Anything large enough for a wish to light upon, is large enough to hang a prayer upon  (Prayer Quotes) It is a most fearful fact to think of, that in every heart there is some secret spring that would be weak at the touch of temptation, and that is liable to be assailed. Fearful, and yet salutary to think of; for the thought may serve to keep our moral nature braced. It warns us that we can never stand at ease, or lie down in this field of life, without sentinels of watchfulness and campfires of prayer  (Prayer Quotes) I’ve practiced centering prayer. I’ve contemplatively prayed. I’ve prayed liturgically... I’ve benefited from each, and I still do. In ways you’ll see, elements of each style are still with me  (Prayer Quotes) Insights from myth, dreams, and intuitions, from glimpses of an invisible reality, and from perennial human wisdom provide us with hints and guesses about the meaning of life and what we are here for. Prayer, observance, discipline, thought and action are the means through which we grow and find meaning  (Prayer Quotes) And it came to me then that every plan is a tiny prayer to father time  (Prayer Quotes) Loving, like prayer, is a power as well as a process. It’s curative. It is creative  (Prayer Quotes) With your desire defined, quietly go within and shut the door behind you. Lose yourself in your desire; feel yourself to be one with it; remain in this fixation until you have absorbed the life and name by claiming and feeling yourself to be and to have that which you desired. When you emerge from the hour of prayer you must do so conscious of being and possessing that which you heretofore desired  (Prayer Quotes) If your spirit still looks around at the time of prayer, then it does not yet pray as a monk. You are no better than a man of affairs engaged in a kind of landscape gardening  (Prayer Quotes) We’ll have our fill of tears, our share of sighs. My only prayer is that you’ll realize you’ll always be beautiful in my eyes  (Prayer Quotes) A saint is to put forth his faith in prayer, and afterwards follow his prayer with faith  (Prayer Quotes) A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer is action. By it we step out in advance of all other results... Praying is an activity upon which all others depend. By prayer we establish a beachhead for the kingdom among peoples where it has never been before. Prayer strikes the winning blow. All other missionary efforts simply gather up the fruits of our praying  (Prayer Quotes) The efficacy of a prayer depends not on the words but on the sincerity of intention  (Prayer Quotes)
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