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Prayer Quotes

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I invite you to bow your head and quietly whisper the prayer that will change your eternity: Jesus I believe in you and I receive you  (Prayer Quotes) What causes us to think of prayer as the last option rather than the first? I can think of two reasons: feelings of independence and feelings of insignificance  (Prayer Quotes) The prayer that begins with trustfulness, and passes on into waiting, will always end in thankfulness, triumph, and praise  (Prayer Quotes) Whether or not our prayer is heard depends not on the number of our words, but on the fervor of our souls  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer is to the skeptic a delusion, a waste of time. To the believer it represents perhaps the most important use of time  (Prayer Quotes) What can be more excellent than prayer; what is more profitable to our life; what sweeter to our souls; what more sublime, in the course of our whole life, than the practice of prayer!  (Prayer Quotes) A true prayer is an inventory of needs, a catalog of necessities, an exposure of secret wounds, a revelation of hidden poverty  (Prayer Quotes) I know of no better thermometer to your spiritual temperature than this, the measure of the intensity of your prayer  (Prayer Quotes) We may expect answers to prayer, and should not be easy without them any more than we should be if we had written a letter to a friend upon important business, and had received no reply  (Prayer Quotes) It is of great importance, when we begin to practise prayer, not to let ourselves be frightened by our own thoughts  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer never works for me on the golf course. That may have something to do with my being a terrible putter  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer is the place of refuge for every worry, a foundation for cheerfulness, a source of constant happiness, a protection against sadness  (Prayer Quotes) The little estimate we put on prayer is evidence from the little time we give to it  (Prayer Quotes) It is necessary to iterate and reiterate that prayer, as a mere habit, as a performance gone through by routine or in a professional way, is a dead and rotten thing  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer should not be regarded as a duty which must be performed, but rather as a privilege to be enjoyed, a rare delight that is always revealing some new beauty  (Prayer Quotes) First prepare the ground, then prayer happens on its own accord. Prayer is something that you cannot do. Meditation is something that you can do because it has something to do with your mind  (Prayer Quotes) At the heart of silence is prayer. At the heart of prayer is faith. At the heart of faith is life. At the heart of life is service  (Prayer Quotes) Why is it that showers and even storms seem to come by chance, so that many people think it quite natural to pray for rain or fine weather, though they would consider it ridiculous to ask for an eclipse by prayer  (Prayer Quotes) It’s unrealistic to think that the future of humanity can be achieved only on the basis of prayer; what we need is to take action  (Prayer Quotes) A generous prayer is never presented in vain; the petition may be refused, but the petitioner is always, I believe, rewarded by some gracious visitation  (Prayer Quotes) Meditation is a sort of prayer and prayer is meditation. The highest meditation is to think of nothing. If you can remain one moment without thought, great power will come  (Prayer Quotes) The more we can give in our silent prayer, the more we can give in our active life  (Prayer Quotes) The purpose is to be in gratitude forever. Live with applied consciousness, prosperity will break through the walls, flood you with it. You do prayer when you are in difficulty. Pray when you are not in difficulty! That is the attitude of gratitude  (Prayer Quotes) If I fail to spend two hours in prayer each morning, the devil gets the victory through the day. I have so much business I cannot get on without spending three hours daily in prayer  (Prayer Quotes) There is a way of beholding nature which is a form of prayer, a way of minding something with such clarity and aliveness that the rest of the world recedes. It... gives the brain a small vacation  (Prayer Quotes) Let all beings in all the worlds be happy. Include this universal prayer in your prayers every day. This is my birthday message to you  (Prayer Quotes) You dig deep beyond those scars and find that soft tissue again, and you massage and nurture it and bring it to life, little by little, through serving yourself well. I did it through hikes and vitamins and therapy and prayer and good friends  (Prayer Quotes) I’m not in favor of the government mandating a prayer in school because our country was founded on the fact that no particular religious faith would have ascendance over or preferential treatment over any other  (Prayer Quotes) A man prayed, and at first he thought that prayer was talking. But he became more and more quiet until in the end he realized prayer is listening  (Prayer Quotes) The best style of prayer is that which cannot be called anything else but a cry  (Prayer Quotes)
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