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Prayer Quotes

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When I have had such men before my camera my whole soul has endeavored to do its duty towards them in recording faithfully the greatness of the inner as well as the features of the outer man. The photograph thus taken has been almost the embodiment of a prayer  (Prayer Quotes) It is my fervent hope and prayer that by exposing my mistakes and by pointing out the things that were a part of my early life, some who might be following the same paths might not make those same mistakes  (Prayer Quotes) He had one uniform practice, and a very bad one it was, during the time of family worship, and just three or four seconds before the conclusion of the prayer, he started to his feet, and ran barking round the apartment like a crazed beast  (Prayer Quotes) Not every hour, nor every day, perhaps, can generous wishes ripen into kind actions; but there is not a moment that cannot be freighted with prayer  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer sometimes dulls the hunger of the pauper, like a mother’s finger thrust into the mouth of her starving baby  (Prayer Quotes) To know what it is to look at things, life as a prayer, a mass, a celebration  (Prayer Quotes) My debts are large, my failures great, my shame secret and heavy; yet I come to ask for my good, I quake in fear lest my prayer be granted  (Prayer Quotes) Our real work is prayer. What good is the cold iron of our frantic little efforts unless first we heat it in the furnace of our prayer? Only heat will diffuse heat  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer is the pulse of the renewed soul; and the constancy of its beat is the test and measure of the spiritual life  (Prayer Quotes) Grace isn’t a little prayer you chant before receiving a meal. It’s a way to live  (Prayer Quotes) For what I give, not what I take, for battle, not for victory, my prayer of thanks I make  (Prayer Quotes) He awoke. He was alive. He wasted no time on prayer or thanks but continued the business of survival  (Prayer Quotes) God had answered her prayer, not with the thing she asked for, but rather the thing she wanted most in her heart  (Prayer Quotes) I cannot say where you are. Unreachable by prayer, even if poems are prayers. Unseeable in the air, even if souls are stars  (Prayer Quotes) What do I have to help me, without spell or prayer, endure this hour, endless, heartless, anonymous, the death of love?  (Prayer Quotes) If I had a prayer, it would be this: God spare me from the desire for love, approval, and appreciation. Amen  (Prayer Quotes) Prayer is the act by which man, detaching himself from the embarrassments of sense and nature, ascends to the true level of his destiny  (Prayer Quotes) So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours  (Prayer Quotes) To worship rightly is to love each other, each smile a hymn, each kindly deed a prayer  (Prayer Quotes) And not a breath crept through the rosy air, and yet the forest leaves seemed stirred with prayer  (Prayer Quotes) The habit of prayer communicates a penetrating sweetness to the glance, the voice, the smile, the tears, to all one says, or does, or writes  (Prayer Quotes) What signifies the sound of words in prayer without the affection of the heart, and a sedulous application of the proper means that may naturally lead us to such an end?  (Prayer Quotes) Where’er a spire points up to heaven, through storm and summer air, telling that all around have striven, man’s heart, and hope, and prayer  (Prayer Quotes) In desert wilds, in midnight gloom; in grateful joy, in trying pain; in laughing youth, or nigh the tomb; oh! When is prayer unheard or vain?  (Prayer Quotes) The deepest life of nature is silent and obscure; so often the elements that move and mould society are the results of the sister’s counsel and the mother’s prayer  (Prayer Quotes) So much of our lives is celestial and divine as we spend in the exercise of prayer  (Prayer Quotes) I believe in religion against the religious; in the pitifulness of orisons, and in the sublimity of prayer  (Prayer Quotes) To talk of prayer after admitting he professed no faith was, in my opinion, a breach of common courtesy. In this sense, he did make a social blunder, for which I think he well deserved some minor castigation  (Prayer Quotes) Trying to describe what I do in prayer would be like telling the world how I make love to my wife  (Prayer Quotes) We do pray for mercy, and that same prayer doth teach us all to render the deeds of mercy  (Prayer Quotes)
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