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Preferences Quotes

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We learn our sexual preferences and orientations  (Preferences Quotes) But our preferences do not determine what’s true  (Preferences Quotes) There are as many preferences as there are men  (Preferences Quotes) The expression of preferences is the essence of love  (Preferences Quotes) When the pressure comes, preferences give way while convictions hold firm  (Preferences Quotes) Preferences are bad solutions to performance problems  (Preferences Quotes) Every library is a library of preferences, and every chosen category implies an exclusion  (Preferences Quotes) Nature is probably quite indifferent to the aesthetic preferences of mathematicians  (Preferences Quotes) But I would assert that despite the wide variety of yoga options and individual preferences, there is one universal element: the union of consciousness and movement, breath and awareness.  (Preferences Quotes) Daily Christian living, in other words, is daily Christian dying: dying to our trivial comforts, soul-shrinking conveniences, arrogant preferences, and self-centered entitlements, and living for something much larger than what makes us comfortable and safe.  (Preferences Quotes) We’re making far too big a deal out of our sexual preferences. It’s just another form of narcissism, and I think it can be a big problem and a tremendous obstacle.  (Preferences Quotes) Having a highly homogeneous background, education, values, preferences, etc, in the very early team is better than not - cuts down on time-wasting arguments.  (Preferences Quotes) My best advice for someone considering adopting a pet is to take the time to really consider your lifestyle, home environment and personal preferences.  (Preferences Quotes) ‘Live and let life’ used to be a noble approach to life. Now you’re considered compassionate if you demand that government impose your preferences on others.  (Preferences Quotes) In addition to billions in new ‘stimulus’ spending that our country can’t afford, the Geithner plan also contains billions in tax increases on small and family-owned businesses while protecting the tax preferences of wealthy, multinational corporations.  (Preferences Quotes) Strive for a life well lived. Each one with their own aims, preferences, and meaning. Always, of course, without harming other persons or preventing others from being able to form a good life for themselves  (Preferences Quotes) Every person professes to love good and hate evil, but in his actions his real preferences emerges  (Preferences Quotes) God has no forms, no limbs, no qualities, no preferences, no prejudices  (Preferences Quotes) In the end, color combinations come down to our personal preferences, which we must discover through observation and experiment  (Preferences Quotes) My best advice for someone considering adopting a pet is to take the time to really consider your lifestyle, home environment and personal preferences  (Preferences Quotes) When you put your preferences on the altar of your life and say: THIS. THIS is what compels me. The real you emerges  (Preferences Quotes) I think the American people should express their preferences, and we’ll accept their choice  (Preferences Quotes) But I would assert that despite the wide variety of yoga options and individual preferences, there is one universal element: the union of consciousness and movement, breath and awareness  (Preferences Quotes) People who are rich find it hard to understand the behavior of poor people. Economists are no exception, for they, too, find it difficult to comprehend the preferences and scarcity constraints that determine the choices that poor people make.  (Preferences Quotes) My reading preferences are kind of all over the board - I read nonfiction, I read graphic novels...  (Preferences Quotes) Free speech rights means that government officials are barred from creating lists of approved and disapproved political ideas and then using the power of the state to enforce those preferences.  (Preferences Quotes) I believe that if you go and ask a chief executive of a Goldman Sachs or a BP, and they answer you honestly...they want monopolies, they want government subsidies, they want preferences - they’re not interested in free markets.  (Preferences Quotes) God tells us not to judge one another, no matter what anyone’s sexual preferences are or if they’re black, brown or purple.  (Preferences Quotes) I’ve found that little kids show a more distinct reaction when the songs are ones that everyone can enjoy together. Because people’s preferences change with the different countries I visit, I go through trial and error to figure things out.  (Preferences Quotes) Evidence that [feminine aesthetic preferences and ways of expressing oneself] may be hardwired comes from the fact that they typically appear early in childhood and often in contradiction to one’s socialization. [¦] This indicates that some aspects of feminine verbal and aesthetic expression precede and/or supersede gender socialization.  (Preferences Quotes)
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