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Prelude Quotes

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That famous dictatorship, whose supporters believe that it is called for by the historical process and consider it an indispensable prelude to the dawn of independence, in fact symbolizes the decision of the bourgeois caste to govern the underdeveloped country first with the help of the people, but soon against them  (Prelude Quotes) Death is but an aspect of life, and the destruction of one material form is but a prelude to building up of another  (Prelude Quotes) For what is delusion but the prelude to hurt. And what is hurt but the prelude to rage  (Prelude Quotes) The age of the skyscraper is gone. This is the age of the housing project. Which is always a prelude to the age of the cave  (Prelude Quotes) Freedom is not won by merely overthrowing a tyrannical ruler or an oppressive regime. That is usually only the prelude to a new tyranny, a new oppression  (Prelude Quotes) Soup is to the meal, what the hostesses smile of welcome is to the party. A prelude to the goodness to come  (Prelude Quotes) When a man speaks of the need for realism one may be sure that this is always the prelude to some bloody deed  (Prelude Quotes) I have little faith in the theory that organized killing is the best prelude to peace  (Prelude Quotes) The rain is a necessary prelude to beautiful weather. So even if your heart is in downpour right now it only means it will become exceptionally beautiful in time  (Prelude Quotes) It is said that those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad. It may well be that a war neurosis stirred up by propaganda of fear and hatred is the prelude to destruction  (Prelude Quotes) Humour is, in fact, a prelude to faith; and laughter is the beginning of prayer … Laughter is swallowed up in prayer and humour is fulfilled by faith  (Prelude Quotes) But it is a sort of April - weather life that we lead in this world. A little sunshine is generally the prelude to a storm  (Prelude Quotes) Understanding is often a prelude to forgiveness, but they are not the same, and we often forgive what we cannot understand (seeing nothing else to do) and understand what we cannot pardon  (Prelude Quotes)
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