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Prem Rawat Quotes

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Every moment has a momentous gift for you  (Prem Rawat Quotes) Question: Is life as difficult as it sometimes seems to be?  (Prem Rawat Quotes) Take solace, take comfort. Your problems, too, will go away one day. They’re temporary. The only thing that is permanent in nature is in your heart. Recognize that and be fulfilled. Fulfill the possibility that was declared the day you were born, the moment you took your first breath.  (Prem Rawat Quotes) It’s okay to ask questions, but get the answers. So, where are the answers? Since the questions came from within you, guess where the answers are? Within you.  (Prem Rawat Quotes) What you are looking for is within you Fall silent a moment and contemplate what that means... You lack nothing  (Prem Rawat Quotes) Peace is not a luxury. It’s not an option. It is fundamental to the existence and well-being of a human being to have peace in their life  (Prem Rawat Quotes) This life that has been given to us as a gift, as such a precious gift. To really try to understand it, really try to recognize it, is the greatest meditation. Through the media of this Knowledge we can tap into our inner sources that are so beautiful  (Prem Rawat Quotes) The greatest problem all around the world today, whether in America, japan, china Russia, india or anywhere else in the world, is that people are not in peace. People want peace  (Prem Rawat Quotes) To the mind, God is a perfect criminal. He has done such a perfect crime by creating this world that mind cannot trace how He did it. That is why the mind always freaks out about God  (Prem Rawat Quotes) Peace begins in the heart of all human beings  (Prem Rawat Quotes) Awaken and rejoice. Awaken and be alive. Awaken to the possibility of being fulfilled  (Prem Rawat Quotes) Practice peace, change your world  (Prem Rawat Quotes) Every moment in your life is unique. You will never have two alike... Never. This is the science of living: When you begin to appreciate every moment. To have a heart so open, an understanding so beautiful, and a yearning for appreciation so complete that when that moment comes... you see exactly what it is  (Prem Rawat Quotes) Happiness is your own treasure because it lies within you  (Prem Rawat Quotes) I want to see peace dancing in the heart of every human being  (Prem Rawat Quotes) Happiness cannot help but dance around you when you are fulfilled  (Prem Rawat Quotes) What you are looking for is within you  (Prem Rawat Quotes) That peace which is within us, we must experience it. And if we are searching for peace outside we will never find the peace within  (Prem Rawat Quotes) There are people who are very greedy, there are people who don’t care. But in my opinion, that is a minority. The majority of the people on the face of this earth want peace, and if this is true, then peace on earth is a very achievable objective. People say it’s not going to happen. Well, let this time belong to those who believe it can happen, not to the ones who say it cannot  (Prem Rawat Quotes) Life is a tide; float on it. Go down with it and go up with it, but be detached. Then it is not difficult  (Prem Rawat Quotes) We are all individuals. I can’t eat for you and you can’t eat for me. I can’t sleep for you and you can sleep for me. We are absolutely all individuals. When our purpose is fulfilled, it feels beautiful. That is, to me, the feeling of fulfillment  (Prem Rawat Quotes) Every human being has to find their own peace. Peace is within you and me. When you and I can experience who we really are, what life is, and what we are doing here, that’s the day peace will begin in this world  (Prem Rawat Quotes) There is something so beautiful inside you that if you knew it, you would fall in love with it. It is irresistible. You can truly experience that  (Prem Rawat Quotes) This peace is not the absence of anything. Real peace is the presence of something beautiful. Both peace and the thirst for it have been in the heart of every human being in every century and every civilization  (Prem Rawat Quotes) It’s okay to ask questions, but get the answers. So, where are the answers? Since the questions came from within you, guess where the answers are? Within you  (Prem Rawat Quotes) We think a wise person is someone who solves problems. Truth is, a wise person is someone who avoids problems  (Prem Rawat Quotes) Is there something inside of you that is favoring peace? Because if there is, then congratulations: you are a human being. You have just reached, and felt, your most fundamental want  (Prem Rawat Quotes) I suggest you take a look at yourself. Not the concepts, not the ideas, not the goods, not the bads. But a timeless purity of existence. A witness to the beauty that is  (Prem Rawat Quotes) Throw away those little pieces of paper. Get yourself a big, beautiful canvas. Bring from this nature the most beautiful colors. Find the serene scene within. Find the joy in each corner of your life. Sit still and feel what is within you. Sit still and paint like you have never painted before  (Prem Rawat Quotes) Take solace, take comfort. Your problems, too, will go away one day. They’re temporary. The only thing that is permanent in nature is in your heart. Recognize that and be fulfilled. Fulfill the possibility that was declared the day you were born, the moment you took your first breath  (Prem Rawat Quotes)
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