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If your basic premise about the fundamental purpose of our government is that it must provide for the common defense, then no other position is possible  (Premise Quotes) I’m not going to let people get away with either a dishonest or inaccurate premise to what we’re talking about because I think that does the viewer a disturbance  (Premise Quotes) Well, your premise is correct, that we have to first guard against those who have an affiliation with terrorists and a connection, and so we have watch lists and systems that can make that connection  (Premise Quotes) The basic premise of this is that, yes, people have learned to clone each other, but that cloning is illegal. Not that it’s bad, just that the law as it is now, is that if you die, you’re dead  (Premise Quotes) The first premise of all human history is, of course, the existence of living human individuals. Thus the first fact to be established is the physical organisation of these individuals and their consequent relation to the rest of nature  (Premise Quotes) One thing, however, I must premise, that without the assistance of natural capacity, rules and precepts are of no efficacy  (Premise Quotes) But with comedy it’s a simple premise. If it’s funny, people laugh. If it’s not, they don’t  (Premise Quotes) A fundamental premise of politics is we can make this work if people just never figure it out  (Premise Quotes) In the best farce today we start with some absurd premise as to character or situation, but if the premises be once granted we move logically enough to the ending  (Premise Quotes) The flaw in the statute is that in all its applications, it operates on a fundamentally mistaken premise that high solicitation costs are an accurate measure of fraud  (Premise Quotes) The good thing about being on a show like ‘Justified’ is that you stick to the premise, but not necessarily every single word that’s on the page  (Premise Quotes) Democracy? I want nothing to do with a system which operates on the premise that my rights don’t exist simply because I am outnumbered  (Premise Quotes) I liked the premise of this material. I love the marriage relationship. They kind of keep each other honest, and they enjoy each other’s sense of humor. Kind of a sexy but boring relationship  (Premise Quotes) The central premise behind Oslo was that if Arafat were given enough legitimacy, territory, weapons and money, he would use his power to fight terror and make peace with Israel  (Premise Quotes) The basic premise of the Constitution was a separation of powers and a system of checks and balances because man was perceived as a fallen creature and would always yearn for more power  (Premise Quotes) It’s always hard, but it’s always fun to attack a premise that you think is interesting. It does take a few drafts for sure  (Premise Quotes) I wish people were willing to dig a little deeper than the surface elements of a premise before tossing one story in with another  (Premise Quotes) It would be more concerned with the Whole than the parts and has to proceed from the premise that death and pain, short life spans, and no bread without sweat must be accepted  (Premise Quotes) I feel that if I establish the world or the premise from the first line, then I can get the reader to come with me where I want her to go  (Premise Quotes) I believe that mental health services should be based on the premise that the origins of distress are largely social  (Premise Quotes) No enlightened person would deny its premise, but as an ongoing program it is monotonous, limited, locked in a perception of victimization  (Premise Quotes) I’ll enjoy the time we spent, playing with each others heads, under the premise that we’re still friends  (Premise Quotes) The premise of my book is that everyone is a bit ideological to some extent. Everyone comes from a ideological perspective  (Premise Quotes) The premise of most media is that only conflict is newsworthy. And that’s just not true. I think for a lot of men, too - certainly for most women - there’s enough real conflict without manufacturing it. The media formula is always to have a pro and con, to say there are two sides to any issue, when in fact there may be ten sides  (Premise Quotes) If a person realized that everything people call happiness, love and joy was just a miscalculation based on a false premise, he’d feel a horrible emptiness inside. The only thing that could rouse him from his paralysis would be to gamble with his own face and the face of others. The person capable of that would be permitted anything  (Premise Quotes) What is more important to a library than anything else -- than everything else -- is the fact that it exists.[The Premise Of Meaning, American Scholar; Washington, DC, June 5, 1972]  (Premise Quotes) There’s something intrinsically radical about the fantastic aesthetic - starting from the premise that the impossible is true, attempting to undermine expectations.  (Premise Quotes) Dating Game’ wasn’t social commentary, political analysis, Shakespearean-level drama or even blunt-force comedy. It was just the televised equivalent of meeting someone at a bar. But it appealed to our most basic Darwinian instinct: selecting a good mate. You can’t go wrong when a show’s premise is hard-wired into human DNA.  (Premise Quotes) I was on a show called ‘SliDE’ when I graduated from college, and then that set the premise of my love for acting. It was so much fun. I was on set with my best friends every day. From that, I got ‘Home and Away’ and it was such a relaxed, friendly environment. Everyone’s so kind and supportive.  (Premise Quotes) I think, with Obama and the progressives, you’ve seen a massive expansion of big government, and it’s all based on a moral premise. The moral premise is that wealth is theft. And I don’t just mean the wealth of America, I mean, your wealth, my wealth.  (Premise Quotes)
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