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I prepared my intervention the night before I spoke. As it happened, there were about 44 cardinals who wished to speak but could not because there was not enough time. I was one of the last to speak  (Prepared Quotes) As I said before, I’m prepared to be prepared and I think that remains the same, you know there’s no way to really know what it’s going to feel like. I think for each individual it’s different  (Prepared Quotes) With this new album, I prepared for it a long time, and I was happy with the songs and the production. I felt that I proved myself with the first album, and with this new album, I just want to share some of my music. And that was always my feeling and my intention  (Prepared Quotes) My philosophy is that when I go out of my room, I’m prepared to love everybody I meet, unless they’re bad  (Prepared Quotes) The marathon is all about energy management. I had planned to run it like a track race with strategic surges to blow up my competitors by putting them into oxygen debt, so that is the way I prepared  (Prepared Quotes) The championship always goes to the team that wins the most rounds and is the most prepared. I think everybody on our team works hard towards keeping that goal. Time will tell if we’re prepared or not  (Prepared Quotes) And, finally, lincoln was not a good impromptu speaker; he was at his best when he could read from a carefully prepared manuscript. Though maybe a teleprompter could have helped that!  (Prepared Quotes) When when my first feature opportunity came along, I wasn’t prepared, but we did it in about 17 days  (Prepared Quotes) If we should have to fight, we should be prepared to so so from the neck up instead of from the neck down  (Prepared Quotes) It would have shown people that I was prepared to do that kind of work, although I find myself in a position now where I don’t really need to and I could pick and choose the kind of characters I’d like to do  (Prepared Quotes) When you’re thrust into litigation, you obviously have to make sure you’re prepared to deal with that  (Prepared Quotes) Those of us who are today prepared to hazard our lives for the cause would regret having raised a finger, if we were able to organize only a new social system and not a more righteous one  (Prepared Quotes) Whether you make the most of an opportunity depends on if you are prepared. Learn your craft, every aspect of it. Eat it, drink it, sleep it, then when you are the most prepared, you can make the most of it  (Prepared Quotes) I feel that destiny is a mixture of preparation and luck. You can be very lucky, but it is useless if you’re not prepared. You can be prepared, but it is useless if you’re not lucky  (Prepared Quotes) The filmed interview is an art extemporized under difficult conditions and successful only when the interviewee hasn’t prepared his replies beforehand  (Prepared Quotes) I don’t believe in it, because you’re not around to know that it’s happened. I can’t say anything about it because I’m not prepared for it  (Prepared Quotes) Whatever people in general do not understand, they are always prepared to dislike; the incomprehensible is always the obnoxious  (Prepared Quotes) Rose was sexy. It was my fantasy about her. She accomplished so much and came from so little in terms of a background that would have prepared her for the world, let alone the world of entertainment  (Prepared Quotes) Be prepared, and be careful not to do your good deeds when there’s no one watching you  (Prepared Quotes) The only thing I wasn’t prepared for was being everywhere all at the same time  (Prepared Quotes) I’m not trying to be coy here; we’re just not prepared to give a lot of detail about our thinking, but we will be making some announcements in the coming months  (Prepared Quotes) I am prepared to believe that a dry martini slightly impairs the palate, but think what it does for the soul  (Prepared Quotes) I had never doubted my own abilities, but I was quite prepared to believe that the world would decline to recognize them  (Prepared Quotes) I don’t want to do something for the sake of it. I am prepared to wait. If I wait until I am buried, too bad  (Prepared Quotes) Sit down before fact as a little child, be prepared to give up every preconceived notion... Or you shall learn nothing  (Prepared Quotes) This I regard as a classic example of my not being properly prepared for a part I very much wanted  (Prepared Quotes) The word dropped like a stone on my still living breast. Confess: I was prepared, am somehow ready for the test  (Prepared Quotes) You should look at all the experimental information at hand, not only the most relevant, and be prepared to make conjectures if that helps  (Prepared Quotes) Is it our job to judge? the gendarme, policemen and bureaucrats have been especially prepared by fate for that job. Our job is to write, and only to write  (Prepared Quotes) Mad, bad, or just prepared to go where others fear to tread? the most controversial author and speaker in the world  (Prepared Quotes)
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