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The possibility of making an error and coming back to try again is real when you have not fully prepared.  (Prepared Quotes) I have zero tolerance for people who don’t come completely prepared. I expect contribution, I expect attendance, and I expect directors to take trips and visit the company’s programs.  (Prepared Quotes) The man who in view of gain thinks of righteousness; who in the view of danger is prepared to give up his life; and who does not forget an old agreement however far back it extends - such a man may be reckoned a complete man.  (Prepared Quotes) When I write, I don’t allow the fear of consequences to interfere with the writing process. I have in the past paid for my commitment to the truth and the way I live my life. I am prepared to pay more if I have to.  (Prepared Quotes) Don’t be content in your life just to do no wrong, be prepared every day to try and do some good.  (Prepared Quotes) So I feel like success is opportunity plus preparation, so work begets work, and as long as you’re prepared it’s going to continue to come your way.  (Prepared Quotes) But if I played well and prepared myself properly, then all I had to do was control myself and put myself in a position to win.  (Prepared Quotes) I think people keep baseballs in their cars, just to be prepared in case they see me. It’s cool to get recognized in public; it’s an incredible feeling.  (Prepared Quotes) God help this country if we’re now prepared to vote for someone we don’t trust. But every election cycle we do things we never dreamed of.  (Prepared Quotes) When I meet a couple, I’m always interested to know if they have been together for a long time, or how loyal they are, because I know that will impact on how much I’m prepared to trust them.  (Prepared Quotes) When somebody who makes movies for a living - either as an actor, writer, producer or director - lives to be a certain age, you have to admire them. It is an act of courage to make a film - a courage for which you are not prepared in the rest of life. It is very hard and very destructive. But we do it because we love it.  (Prepared Quotes) The truth is, I don’t have any problem with journalists - I count some of them as friends - also some of my heroes are journalists, I’m a big fan of Robert Fisk - great people or crazy people who are prepared to stand up for what’s right.  (Prepared Quotes) According to my parents, I just started drumming when I was two. I traveled with them from five to seven on the road, playing percussion. Between 8 and 12, my dad sort of prepared me by teaching me every aspect of road life.  (Prepared Quotes) I have decided now that my mother should be the GPS woman, don’t you think? That would be fantastic: ‘Make a left in 11 miles. Get over now - I want you to be prepared. Turn right on Elm Street, I want to see if Myrna Rosenblatt is still alive. Make your second left by the Dairy Queen. Don’t go in, they’re anti-Semitic.’  (Prepared Quotes) I’m the most dangerous unarmed women in the world, I’ve prepared my entire life to be that way.  (Prepared Quotes) We’re all going to have tests in our life... We never know when that test comes, but we know we have to be prepared for it. We’re all going to be tested. The dark energy is going to knock on all of our doors.  (Prepared Quotes) The woman I am currently crazy about was a vegetarian for a year until I started dating her. As is the case with most vegetarians, she had never eaten properly prepared meat, only commercially packaged or otherwise abused flesh.  (Prepared Quotes) I never really got any attention until I was on MTV. I became a household name because I was on every day from 3-4 P.M. I wasn’t prepared for it - how mean they can be in the press.  (Prepared Quotes) I am prepared to admit that when it comes to dealing with the House and Senate leaders, Obama is terrible. But he’s great with the public. Which hates the House and Senate as much as he does.  (Prepared Quotes) Blindness brought with it a million adjustments and losses and emotions. But, there really was this unshakeable sense, deep within me, that God had already prepared me for the darkness. And he did it through his Word.  (Prepared Quotes) We have to make sure that we are a force for peace and stability in the world, and that we’re prepared to defend freedom and the security of the American people.  (Prepared Quotes) I have cherished the ideal a democratic and free society . . . it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.  (Prepared Quotes) Unknowingly, he prepared me to survive the rest of my days with the way he shielded himself from emotional vulnerabilities that slowly destroy the rest of us.  (Prepared Quotes) How strongly do you believe in what you want to do? How prepared are you live and die for it? You are not likely to succeed when you always doubt your capacity to reach higher heights in your pursuits.  (Prepared Quotes) Young Americans must never again be sent to fight and die unless we are prepared to let them win  (Prepared Quotes) Really with marriage, from what I’ve heard about from different friends that are married, you can’t entirely be prepared. There are things you can only learn in marriage.  (Prepared Quotes) Sometimes I still don’t know if I’m prepared to go through the entire season, dealing with the different personalities, the crowds, the politics.  (Prepared Quotes) Do not despise little beginnings. It’ll all make sense as you’re staring at an opportunity that you realize the difficult moments merely prepared you for.  (Prepared Quotes) That’s the most difficult issue for me... to find a subject that holds my interest long enough that I’m prepared to go to work and spend the time and energy to shoot the subject.  (Prepared Quotes) I grew up in a show biz family and, if you wanted to talk at the dinner table, you’d better be prepared to talk about film.  (Prepared Quotes)
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