Presence Quotes

Text Quotes
Russia is one of the places where significant presence of social networks are driven by domestic players right now (Presence Quotes)
Fear cannot exist in the presence of faith. Fear only exists because you feel that you are not in control. Give up the need to be in control, take a leap in faith and fear will vanish as the mists in the morning sun (Presence Quotes)
The best legacy you could leave is not some building that is names after you or a piece of jewelry but rather a world that has been impacted and touched by your presence, your joy, and your positive actions (Presence Quotes)
To do everything in a sacred manner means to do everything fully in the state of presence (Presence Quotes)
Whenever you meet anybody, it is a holy encounter. The primary event is the energy field of presence between you and the other human being that arises. You enjoy it. There is deep joy in the meeting (Presence Quotes)
The other person’s presence ultimately is the same as your presence, because it is in presence that there is true meeting (Presence Quotes)
In our own presence, we all pretend to be simpler than we are: thus we take a break from our fellow human beings (Presence Quotes)
When an idea reaches critical mass there is no stopping the shift its presence will induce (Presence Quotes)
He who is ready to despair in solitary peril, plucks up a heart in the presence of another. In a plurality of comrades is much countenance and consolation (Presence Quotes)
Do all lovers feel helpless and valiant in the presence of the beloved? Helpless because the need to roll over like a pet dog is never far away. Valiant because you know you would slay a dragon with a pocket knife if you had to (Presence Quotes)
We often feel sad in the presence of music without words; and often more than that in the presence of music without music (Presence Quotes)
She felt that she could so much more depend upon the sincerity of those who sometimes looked or said a careless or a hasty thing, than of those whose presence of mind never varied, whose tongue never slipped (Presence Quotes)
I was scared to death, but I made fear score points for me. Fear is right behind me, fear is six inches off my back, that’s where fear is. I can feel its presence. But it’s not going to catch me... I’m going to take fear and use it to my advantage (Presence Quotes)
When the whole world is writing letters, it’s easy to lap into the quiet within, tell the story of an hour, keep alive the narrating inner life. To be alone in the presence of one’s thought is not a value, only a common practice (Presence Quotes)
It is through realizing loving presence as our very essence, through being that presence, that we discover true freedom (Presence Quotes)
It’s not what you know, and it’s not even who you know. It’s how much knowledge you give away. Hoarding knowledge diminishes your power because it diminishes your presence (Presence Quotes)
The sun rarely shines in history, what with the dust and confusion; and when we meet with any cheering fact which implies the presence of this luminary, we excerpt and modernize it (Presence Quotes)
We hear eagerly every thought and word quoted from an intellectual man. But in his presence our own mind is roused to activity, and we forget very fast what he says (Presence Quotes)
It is the same among the men and women, as among the silent trees; always a referred existence, an absence, never a presence and satisfaction. Is it, that beauty can never be grasped? In persons and in landscape is equally inaccessible? (Presence Quotes)
What dependence can I have on the alleged events of ancient history, when I find such difficulty in ascertaining the truth regarding a matter that has taken place only a few minutes ago, and almost in my own presence! (Presence Quotes)
Knowing the importance of luck, you should be particularly suspicious when highly consistent patterns emerge from the comparison of successful and less successful firms. In the presence of randomness, regular patterns can only be mirages (Presence Quotes)
I’ll dig in into my days, having come here to live, not to visit. Grey is the price of neighboring with eagles, of knowing a mountain’s vast presence, seen or unseen (Presence Quotes)
It is a happy woman when the spirit time is come, that finds herself in the presence of a good man (Presence Quotes)
The delights of lust terminate in languishment and dejection; the object thou burnest for nauseates with satiety, and no sooner hadst thou possessed it, but thou wert weary of its presence (Presence Quotes)
When we leave society and come into the presence of Nature, we become children again; and the fictions of thought and action assumed among men drop off like a garment (Presence Quotes)
Every painted image of something is also about the absence of the real thing. All painting is about the presence of absence (Presence Quotes)
Being a black artist, the first thing people want to talk about is your blackness, the importance of your blackness, and your black presence (Presence Quotes)
The most powerful healing arises from the simple intention to love the life within you, unconditionally, with as much tenderness and presence as possible (Presence Quotes)
The sentiment of virtue is a reverence and delight in the presence of certain divine laws. It perceives that this homely game of life we play, covers, under what seem foolish details, principles that astonish (Presence Quotes)
Life is very narrow. Bring any club or company of intelligent men together again after ten years, and if the presence of some penetrating and calming genius could dispose them to frankness, what a confession of insanities would come up! (Presence Quotes)