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Present Quotes

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The great wars of the present age are the effects of the study of history  (Present Quotes) The road recedes as the traveler advances, leaving a continuous present  (Present Quotes) In the present age, a man with harmonious ideas is regarded as out of touch  (Present Quotes) The present is never poetic as it serves necessity, necessity, however, is prosaic  (Present Quotes) Acceptance does not mean inaction; acceptance is actually acknowledging the present situation  (Present Quotes) Intelligence cannot be present without understanding. No computer has any awareness of what it does  (Present Quotes) The experience of every past moment but belies the faith of each present  (Present Quotes) Before strongly desiring anything, we should look carefully into the happiness of its present owner  (Present Quotes) Men of the present time testify of heaven and hell, and have never seen either  (Present Quotes) The stars awaken a certain reverence, because though always present, they are inaccessible  (Present Quotes) The limit of your present understanding is not the limit of your possibilities  (Present Quotes) In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present  (Present Quotes) Children enjoy the present because they have neither a past nor a future  (Present Quotes) Idleness is only a coarse name for my infinite capacity for living in the present  (Present Quotes) How paramount the future is to the present when one is surrounded by children  (Present Quotes) The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion  (Present Quotes) There is some pleasure even in words, when they bring forgetfulness of present miseries  (Present Quotes) Most wars, after all, present themselves as humanitarian endeavors to help people  (Present Quotes) Philosophy triumphs easily over past evils and future evils, but present evils triumph over it  (Present Quotes) The distinctive character of a child is to always live in the tangible present  (Present Quotes) The future comes slowly, the present flies and the past stands still forever  (Present Quotes) Ignorance cannot always be inferred from inaccuracy; knowledge is not always present  (Present Quotes) In the present state of the world it is difficult not to write lampoons  (Present Quotes) They who look but little into futurity, have, perhaps, the quickest sensation of the present  (Present Quotes) Philosophy easily triumphs over past and future ills; but present ills triumph over philosophy  (Present Quotes) Guilt is present in the very hesitation, even though the deed be not committed  (Present Quotes) Present sufferings seem far greater to men than those they merely dread  (Present Quotes) There is no greater pain than to remember, in our present grief, past happiness  (Present Quotes) One principal characteristic of vice in the present age is the contempt of fame  (Present Quotes) The more you live in the present moment, the more the fear of death disappears  (Present Quotes)
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