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History does include aspects of directionality, and the present range of causes and phenomena does not exhaust the realm of past possibilities  (Present Quotes) Wherever the Holy Ghost has right of way, the gifts of the Spirit will be in manifestation; and where these gifts are never in manifestation, I question whether He is present  (Present Quotes) The mind is a product of experience. It is the result of past thinking and is modified by present thinking  (Present Quotes) There are no mistakes or accidents. The present is malleable. Influence the odds. Free will is your pen, write your life  (Present Quotes) I'm like most people. We just concentrate on the present. I live right where the film is going through the film projector and it hits the light  (Present Quotes) Reason works better when emotions are present; the person sees sharper and more accurately when his emotions are engaged  (Present Quotes) God is not pre or post anything. He is present to everything... There is not predestination but destination, not predestiny but destiny. This follows from divine omniscience and eternity  (Present Quotes) I take it as a prime cause of the present confusion of society that it is too sickly and too doubtful to use pleasure frankly as a test of value  (Present Quotes) For it is with the same imperialism that present day simulators try to make the real, all the real, coincide with their simulation models  (Present Quotes) I saw and heard, and knew at last the how and why of all things, past, and present, and forevermore  (Present Quotes) To all intents and purposes, he who will not open his eyes is, for the present, as blind as he who cannot  (Present Quotes) Our present tears here, not our present laughter are but the handsells of our joys hereafter  (Present Quotes) Here it is that the Spirit teaches us all truth; for all truth is eminently contained in this sacrifice of love, where the soul strips itself of every thing to present it to God  (Present Quotes) Any one reflecting upon the thought he has of the delight, which any present or absent thing is apt to produce in him, has the idea we call love  (Present Quotes) Pleasure seizes the whole man who addicts himself to it, and will not give him leisure for any good office in life which contradicts the gayety of the present hour  (Present Quotes) I was learning that if I lived slightly in the future - what will happen next - I didn’t have to feel so much about what was going on in the present  (Present Quotes) I’m Rally of Unionist Separist Extremes, sometimes known as the R.U.S.E. … It’s the party at present in power  (Present Quotes) The power of the present moment is so immense it is capable - when lived in fully - of destroying forever every past mistake and regret  (Present Quotes) Our condition never satisfies us; the present is always the worst. Though Jupiter should grant his request to each, we should continue to importune him  (Present Quotes) At present, the most valuable gift which can be bestowed upon women is something to do which they can do well and worthily, and thereby maintain themselves  (Present Quotes) I chose to present myself as one who comes from among the people, and I can be touched by their pain because I have my own  (Present Quotes) Don’t allow your past or present condition to control you. It’s just a process that you’re going through to get you to the next level  (Present Quotes) You importune me, tucca, to present you with my books. I shall not do so; for you want to sell, not to read, them  (Present Quotes) I am prisoner of a gaudy and unlivable present, where all forms of human society have reached an extreme of their cycle and there is no imagining what new forms they may assume  (Present Quotes) Well, the past is gone, I know that. The future isn’t here yet, whatever it’s going to be. So, all there is, is this. The present. That’s it  (Present Quotes) The argument is absolute crap. However, the politics of this are tough for us. Eighty per cent of people believe climate change is a real and present danger  (Present Quotes) If magic was present, it moved under the skin of the world, beneath the ability of human eyes to catch sight of it  (Present Quotes) The prophets and seers and great men and women, past and present, were made great by what they perceived from God, not by what they were taught by men  (Present Quotes) When the Spirit is present, people are not offended when you share your feelings about the gospel  (Present Quotes) What is love? ‘Tis not hereafter, present mirth hath present laughter: What’s to come is still unsure. In delay there lies no plenty, then come kiss me, sweet and twenty: Youth’s a stuff will not endure  (Present Quotes)
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