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Present Quotes

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Our rulers at the present day, with their machines and their preachers, are all occupied in putting into our heads the preposterous notion that activity rather than contemplation is the object of life  (Present Quotes) The right to have our environment protected for the benefit of present and future generations is our most important human right  (Present Quotes) One only dies once, and if one does not die well, a good opportunity is lost and will not present itself again  (Present Quotes) Woman’s soul is present and lives more intensely in all parts of the body, and it is inwardly affected by that which happens to the body; whereas, with men, the body has more pronoucedly the character of an instrument which serves them in their work and which is accompanied by a certain detachment  (Present Quotes) If one defends the bourgeois, philistine virtues, one does not defend them merely from the demonism or bohemianism of the artist but from the present bourgeoisie itself  (Present Quotes) The educator must above all understand how to wait; to reckon all effects in the light of the future, not of the present  (Present Quotes) As soon as you judge communication a little more rigorously, there is a possibility that the message will not be democratized. I have to say what I believe to be right. I have to spread out the statement among all the means of expression available to us at present  (Present Quotes) My function is, as objectively and accurately as I can, to present reality to people out there, and doing that as quickly as we do is quite difficult enough, thank you  (Present Quotes) I think that being a conscious parent opens your eyes to the fact that any adult relationships that you have, whenever children are present on a daily basis, that they’re modeling how they get along with people by what they see how you get along  (Present Quotes) To those of you who study history, economics, sociology, literature and language I present the challenge of the utilization of the enormous resources in our grasp to the problem of creating a genuinely good life for yourselves and your children  (Present Quotes) The dynamic, creative present, however conditioned and restricted by the effects of prior presents, possesses genuine initiative  (Present Quotes) A mutual arrangement, I repeat, is the only satisfactory medium whereby the present system can be carried on with any degree of satisfaction, and in such an arrangement the employers have more to gain than the workers  (Present Quotes) The left has lost touch with popular opinion, thereby making it possible for the right to present itself as the party of common sense  (Present Quotes) I think that you have to present an image that is... true to you, and... the way you would like to be perceived, so I think that through the years I’ve worked really hard at trying to create an image that is true to me  (Present Quotes) I cannot help but think that great results would have been obtained had my views been thought better of; yet I am much inclined to accept the present condition as for the best  (Present Quotes) Indeed, in the present climate of mistrust of institutions, many people who yearn for a more meaningful and fulfilling life would regard the church as an unlikely place to go for guidance  (Present Quotes) In reading, a lonely quiet concert is given to our minds; all our mental faculties will be present in this symphonic exaltation  (Present Quotes) Modernity exists in the form of a desire to wipe out whatever came earlier, in the hope of reaching at least a point that could be called a true present, a point of origin that marks a new departure  (Present Quotes) An extraordinary amount of arrogance is present in any claim of having been the first in inventing something  (Present Quotes) When I’m writing a novel, I’m dealing with a double life. I live in the present at the same time that I live in the past with my characters. It is this that makes a novelist so eccentric and unpleasant  (Present Quotes) There is no longer a way out of our present situation except by forging a road toward our objective, violently and by force, over a sea of blood and under a horizon blazing with fire  (Present Quotes) I was born old and get younger every day. At present I am sixty years young  (Present Quotes) A poet must be a psychologist, but a secret one: he should know and feel the roots of phenomena but present only the phenomena themselves in full bloom or as they fade away  (Present Quotes) My father was a diplomatic officer. As a diplomat’s daughter, you have to learn to present yourself very early on  (Present Quotes) Christ made the bread the sacrament of his body only: wherefore as the bread is no similitude of his blood, so am I not bound or ought to affirm, that his blood is there present  (Present Quotes) Suddenly, you are very much in the present, and you learn it’s really the place where you should always live  (Present Quotes) The past is only the present become invisible and mute; and because it is invisible and mute, its memorized glances and its murmurs are infinitely precious. We are tomorrow’s past  (Present Quotes) The objects of the present life fill the human eye with a false magnification because of their immediacy  (Present Quotes) If you spend all of your time racing ahead to the future, you’re liable to discover you’ve left a great present behind  (Present Quotes) If there’s not love present, it’s much, much harder to function. When there’s love present, it’s easier to deal with life  (Present Quotes)
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