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Present Quotes

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I am old enough to know that time passing is just a trick, a convenience. Everything is always there, still unfolding, still happening. The past, the present, and the future, in the noggin eternally, like brushes, combs and ribbons in a handbag  (Present Quotes) The past does not only draw us back to the past. There are certain memories of the past that have strong steel springs and, when we who live in the present touch them, they are suddenly stretched taut and then they propel us into the future  (Present Quotes) The great secret about goals and visions is not the future they describe but the change in the present they engender  (Present Quotes) Everything we see hides another thing, we always want to see what is hidden by what we see. There is an interest in that which is hidden and which the visible does not show us. This interest can take the form of a quite intense feeling, a sort of conflict, one might say, between the visible that is hidden and the visible that is present  (Present Quotes) The past always seems better when you look back on it than it did at the time. And the present never looks as good as it will in the future  (Present Quotes) When all of this music sounds like you know what you want to say, then it will have been of all worth, ever. You will be something complete unto yourself, present and unique  (Present Quotes) And I wonder: Have I squandered my dogness? Have I forsaken my nature for my desires? Have I made a mistake by anticipating my future and shunning my present?  (Present Quotes) Time is not outside us, but inside. Only we live with past, present, and future, and the present is too brief to experience anyway; it is retained afterward and then it is either codified or it slips into amnesia  (Present Quotes) My heart, to put it more simply, got nostalgic for the present. Always a bad sign  (Present Quotes) Ghosts don’t haunt us. That’s not how it works. They’re present among us because we won’t let go of them  (Present Quotes) I don’t want a future, I want a present. To me this appears of greater value. You have a future only when you have no present, and when you have a present, you forget to even think about the future  (Present Quotes) The shadow past is shaped by everything that never happened. Invisible, it melts the present like rain through karst  (Present Quotes) It’s important to know the past, but your survival depends on knowing the present  (Present Quotes) When we think about the present, we veer wildly between the belief in chance and the evidence in favour of determinism. When we think about the past, however, it seems obvious that everything happened in the way that it was intended  (Present Quotes) It often feels like I’m not so much living for the present as I am busy making memories for the future  (Present Quotes) A small and sinister snow seems to be coming down relentlessly at present. The radio says it is eventually going to be sleet and rain, but I don’t think so; I think it is just going to go on and on, coming down, until the whole world... etc. It has that look  (Present Quotes) You know when transformation happens? Right now. It’s a present activity. Who is the new you? Show me the new you  (Present Quotes) Because memory is time folding back on itself. To remember is to disengage from the present. In order to reach any kind of success in automobile racing, a driver must never remember  (Present Quotes) As strange as it sounds, meditation may reveal that we are happier than we thought we were. We may discover that ancient conditioning rather than present circumstances is causing our dissatisfaction, and that this moment is quite sufficient or even wonderful, and we simply hadn’t noticed  (Present Quotes) A text is not a text unless it hides from the first comer, from the first glance, the law of its composition and the rules of its game. A text remains, moreover, forever imperceptible. Its laws and rules are not, however, harbored in the inaccessibility of a secret; it is simply that they can never be booked, in the present, into anything that could rigorously be called a perception  (Present Quotes) No matter how happy I had been in the past I do not long for it. The present is always the moment for which I love  (Present Quotes) ... yet a memory cannot be trusted, for so much of the experience of the past is determined by the experience of the present  (Present Quotes) In a world of fixed future, life is an infinite corridor of rooms, one room lit at each moment, the next room dark but prepared. We walk from room to room, look into the room that is lit, the present moment, then walk on. We do not know the rooms ahead, but we know we cannot change them. We are spectators of our lives  (Present Quotes) The present convergence of crises––in money, energy, education, health, water, soil, climate, politics, the environment, and more––is a birth crisis, expelling us from the old world into a new  (Present Quotes) I live in the present because the future is always chancy. When it comes to being with you, I’m willing to take the risk  (Present Quotes) There is a foundation for our lives, a place in which our life rests. That place is nothing but the present moment, as we see, hear, experience what is. If we do not return to that place, we live our lives out of our heads. We blame others; we complain; we feel sorry for ourselves. All of these symptoms show that we’re stuck in our thoughts. We’re out of touch with the open space that is always right here  (Present Quotes) It is as though some old part of yourself wakes up in you, terrified, useless in the life you have, its skills and habits destructive but intact, and what is left of the present you, the person you have become, wilts and shrivels in sadness or despair: the person you have become is only a thin shell over this other, more electric and endangered self. The strongest, the least digested parts of your experience can rise up and put you back where you were when they occurred; all the rest of you stands back and weeps  (Present Quotes) A book is a wonderful present. Though it may grow worn, it will never grow old  (Present Quotes) Is there not too much tension in the world at present, and might it not be better if more people were slackers?  (Present Quotes) We do not just risk repeating history if we sweep it under the carpet, we also risk being myopic about our present  (Present Quotes)
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