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Present Quotes

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Every artist has a central story to tell, and the difficulty, the impossible task, is trying to present that story in pictures  (Present Quotes) Be present in your work because kids live in the moment, so as soon as you’re not in the present, you’re not being authentic  (Present Quotes) When happiness is happening it feels as if nothing else happened before it, it is a sensation that happens only in the present tense  (Present Quotes) Chanting is a way of getting in touch with yourself. It’s an opening of the heart and letting go of the mind and thoughts. It deepens the channel of grace, and it’s a way of being present in the moment  (Present Quotes) Agnosticism is no excuse for indecision. If anything, it is a catalyst for action; for in shifting concern away from a future life and back to the present, it demands an ethics of empathy rather than a metaphysics of fear and hope  (Present Quotes) It was like the moment before you open a present, still hidden inside its box and wrappings; while you’re waiting to find out what it is, the eagerness and impatience and curiosity and anticipation grip you in an even stronger, more thrilling way than you feel after you find out what’s inside  (Present Quotes) You have to think about how you’re going to present yourself and want people, wanna show your stuff and who you are  (Present Quotes) Everybody has many people inside of them; I think we tend to present the one we feel is most appropriate at first, in order to gain acceptance or achieve what we want. It gets really interesting when this technique fails, and other levels are revealed  (Present Quotes) I don’t need to worry about that, that’s always there on a slow simmer. The muscle I have to work on is being more present  (Present Quotes) What a world we live in. I want to be incredibly close to the heart of it all. To live honestly, truthfully and to be completely present is the ultimate enterprise. And right now, I couldn’t possibly ask for anything more. I am a very lucky girl  (Present Quotes) Laughter is key. Dancing a must. Because oh, how we do love both things! But most important, possess the ability to be present, be true to your deepest wishes, intentions. Do good unto others, to yourself. Being true to yourself is one of the greatest attributes. Happiness ensues. Be present. Be kind. Be patient. Be honest. Find moments to be silly. The results will always be rewarding  (Present Quotes) You live in the present and you eliminate things that don’t matter. You don’t carry the burden of the past. I’m not impressed by the past very much. The past bores me, to tell you the truth; it really bores me. I don’t remember many movies and certainly not my own  (Present Quotes) We may have doubts, but we control the present. We always have the choice to move forward with hope and confidence  (Present Quotes) The past is part of the present, is part of the future, it’s all part of being an artist. You cannot be something that you’re not when you’re not that thing anymore, and if you do that then you’re a liar  (Present Quotes) To learn your artistry and to be able to perfect that, is overwhelming. Especially when you are exuding love. The human emotion is a very delicate thing, so you have to be careful about how you present it because it can be kind of scary, or too overwhelming if you’re not careful. So I try to just keep it love  (Present Quotes) Live in the future with which you create your present. Create and exchange and don’t forget to acknowledge yourself and others  (Present Quotes) Nothing can take the sting out of the world’s economic problems like watching millionaires present each other with golden statues  (Present Quotes) Everyday begins like a blank chalkboard, on which each one of us can write the poem of our present and our dreams for the future  (Present Quotes) I can’t worry about what people are going to think of me and if they’re going to like me more than other people. You just have to be present and live in the moment and if it works out, then awesome and I wish everyone who is trying to do the same thing, genuinely the best of luck  (Present Quotes) I don’t know who came up with this push present idea, but I think it’s probably a female  (Present Quotes) Devotion is the essence of the path, and if we have in mind nothing but the guru and feel nothing but fervent devotion, whatever occurs is perceived as his blessing. If we simply practice with this constantly present devotion, this is prayer itself. When all thoughts are imbued with devotion to the guru, there is a natural confidence that this will take care of whatever may happen. All forms are the guru, all sounds are prayer, and all gross and subtle thoughts arise as devotion. Everything is spontaneously liberated in the absolute nature, like knots untied in the sky  (Present Quotes) Each of us carries around those growing up places, the institutions, a sort of backdrop, a stage set. So often we act out the present against the backdrop of the past, within a frame of perception that is so familiar, so safe that is is terrifying to risk changing it even when we know our perceptions are distorted, limited, constricted by that old view  (Present Quotes) Literature is the best way to overcome death. My father, as I said, is an actor. He’s the happiest man on earth when he’s performing, but when the show is over, he’s sad and troubled. I wish he could live in the eternal present, because in the theater everything remains in memories and photographs. Literature, on the other hand, allows you to live in the present and to remain in the pantheon of the future.Literature is a way to say, I was here, this is what I thought, this is what I perceived. This is my signature, this is my name  (Present Quotes) Poetry was syllable and rhythm. Poetry was the measurement of breath. Poetry was time make audible. Poetry evoked the present moment; poetry was the antidote to history. Poetry was language free from habit  (Present Quotes) It’s too easy, you see, to get trapped in the past. The past is very seductive. People always talk about the mists of time, you know, but really it’s the present that’s in a mist, uncertain. The past is quite clear, and warm, and comforting. That’s why people often get stuck there  (Present Quotes) In the beginning, I found myself dealing with a show business dictated by male white supremacists and chauvinists. As a black female, I had to learn how to tap dance around the situation. I had to... find a way to present my point of view without being pushy or aggressive. In the old days, the only women I saw in this business were in makeup, hairdressing, and wardrobe departments. Now I’m surrounded by women executives, writers, directors, producers, and even women stagehands  (Present Quotes) To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization, and at present very few people have reached this level  (Present Quotes) When you have one foot in the future and the other in the past, you piss on the present  (Present Quotes) My activism did not spring from being black... The racial injustice that was present in this country during my youth was a challenge to my belief in the oneness of the human family  (Present Quotes) For me it is the direct contact of artist to material which is original, and it is the earth and his contact to it which will free him of the artificiality of the present and his dependence on industrial products  (Present Quotes)
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