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Present Quotes

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Live every moment in the present. Do it. Risk it. Buy it if you love it. Loving well takes practice, delicious practice. If it feels good, it must be good  (Present Quotes) If we would see the color of our future, we must look for it in our present; if we would gaze on the star of our destiny, we must look for it in our hearts  (Present Quotes) The past is history; The future is a mystery; This moment is a gift; That is why this moment is called the present; Enjoy it  (Present Quotes) There are many fine things which you mean to do some day, under what you think will be more favorable circumstances. But the only time that is yours is the present  (Present Quotes) I find righteous denunciations of the present state of the language no less dismaying than the present state of the language  (Present Quotes) The facts which our senses present to us are socially performed in two ways: through the historical character of the object perceived and through the historical character of the perceiving organ. Both are not simply natural; they are shaped by human activity, and yet the individual perceives himself as receptive and passive in the act of perception  (Present Quotes) Relations of production are first reproduced by the materiality of the processes of production and circulation. But it should not be forgotten that ideological relations are immediately present in these same processes  (Present Quotes) It is safest to grasp the concept of the postmodern as an attempt to think the present historically in an age that has forgotten how to think historically in the first place  (Present Quotes) If I’m having a challenging moment, I jump for joy. Literally. After a minute, I feel better, and after a few minutes, I’m really happy. Everything else just drops off. It gets me out of my head and into my body, and it makes me feel present. Everyone has challenges. But if you know your strengths and expand on them, you’re going to radiate  (Present Quotes) I think that people are constantly thinking about capturing things that they’re not actually present for the moment they’re trying to capture. I’m quite sure of this. I think it’s insane how many pictures have to be taken these days. We have to realize there’s a level of documentation that’s just chatter, it’s noise, and beyond that, people who are truly documenting are going to have to find a way to puncture that  (Present Quotes) I believe in being fully present. That means you should be with the person you’re with  (Present Quotes) Having lost our present and our future, we had of necessity to bend all our endeavors to the past, which no one could take from us if only we were vigilant enough  (Present Quotes) Fantasy is, at its best, the purest access to storytelling that we have. It universalizes a tale, it evokes wonder and timeless narrative power, it touches upon inner journeys, it illuminates our collective and individual pasts, throws a focus beam on the present day, and presages the dangers and promises of the future  (Present Quotes) He who travels much has this advantage over others – that the things he remembers soon become remote, so that in a short time they acquire the vague and poetical quality which is only given to other things by time. He who has not traveled at all has this disadvantage – that all his memories are of things present somewhere, since the places with which all his memories are concerned are present  (Present Quotes) Those of us who witness the degraded state of the environment and the suffering that comes with it cannot afford to be complacent. We continue to be restless. If we really carry the burden, we are driven to action. We cannot tire or give up. We owe it to the present and future generations of all species to rise up and walk!  (Present Quotes) There is something that might be called cinematic beauty. It can only be expressed in a film, and it must be present for that film to be a moving work. When it is very well expressed, one experiences a particularly deep emotion while watching that film. I believe that it is this quality that draws people to come and see a film, and that it is the hope of attaining this quality that inspires the filmmaker to make his film in the first place  (Present Quotes) Most people have learned to live in the moment. The argument goes that if the past has uncertain effect on the present, there is no need to dwell on the past. And if the present has little effect on the future, present actions need not be weighed for their consequence. Rather, each act is an island in time, to be judged on its own... It is a world of impulse. It is a world of sincerity. It is a world in which every word spoken speaks just to that moment, every glance given has only one meaning  (Present Quotes) I’m focussing on what I haven’t attained, not what I have. A lot has come to me early. I don’t want to get consumed with that. Winners live in the present tense. People who come up short are consumed with future or past. I want to be living in the now. My goal is to play one full game in the now, but I haven’t even gotten past the first inning yet. I start thinking about where my mom is or if my dogs have been fed. The average human has 2,000 thoughts a day. The really accomplished have 1,500 because you can focus longer. I need to learn how to focus longer  (Present Quotes) Are you letting culture, not scripture, determine your sexuality, how you date, how you present yourself, how you engage in certain relationships with members of the opposite sex? We need to be very clear that the way we do life is different than the rest of the world  (Present Quotes) Like the marathon, life can sometimes be difficult, challenging and present obstacles, however if you believe in your dreams and never ever give up, things will turn out for the best  (Present Quotes) Fears, indecision, and frustration feed on words. Without words they usually stop... Words are at times good for looking back, but they are confining when I need to act in the present  (Present Quotes) Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience. It isn’t more complicated that that. It is opening to or recieving the present moment, pleasant or unpleasant, just as it is, without either clinging to it or rejecting it  (Present Quotes) We usually evaluate creative process in terms of how much feeling or thinking was behind the work or how well the work was done. Isn’t there any other way of appreciating the process? What if the standard of excellence was how fully present the artist was during the process?  (Present Quotes) The more attached we are to a vision of the future, the less present we are to what is actually trying to emerge here and now  (Present Quotes) You exist in time: future, present, and past. This is manifest in life, liberty, and the product of your life and liberty. The exercise of choices over life and liberty is your prosperity. To lose your life is to lose your future. To lose your liberty is to lose your present. And to lose the product of your life and liberty is to lose the portion of your past that produced it  (Present Quotes) Historical novels, in particular, allow us to relive the past without the neatness of history, and with all the complexity of the present  (Present Quotes) The facts of the present won’t sit still for a portrait. They are constantly vibrating, full of clutter and confusion  (Present Quotes) The word patriotism, or its equivalents and derivations, is upon everyone’s lips at the present time. It is a magic word which is thought by most people to cover any multitude of sins. To be patriotic in whatever cause is tantamount to being virtuous, while no worse charge can be brought against a man in popular estimation than to say he is unpatriotic  (Present Quotes) Like the battleships of old, omnibus programs present too tempting a target, too easily destroyed by a single attack, to make it through a fight... It is through incremental change after change, step after step, that a statesman of today can vindicate a bold vision  (Present Quotes) It is the people who figure out how to work simply in the present, rather than the people who mastered the complexities of the past, who get to say what happens in the future  (Present Quotes)
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