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Present Quotes

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We know one another. This is the present. There is no past and no future. Here I am washing my hands, and the cracked mirror shows me to myself, suspended as it were, in time; this is me, this moment will not pass  (Present Quotes) This world has seen a great many civilizations. And many of them have survived for longer periods than ours up to the present. They were all as sure as we are today of having founded the first eternal civilization. We today differ from them in having our western civilization spread to embrace the entire planet, leaving no room on any continent for any other culture to take over if we fail  (Present Quotes) There are times when one’s life appears to be a stage. People come, people go. They come in order to go, and go with no intent of return. When they return, they return as one’s past. A past that would make you feel that the present is false  (Present Quotes) What’s so curious about human beings is that we can look deeply into the future, foresee disaster, and still do nothing in the present to stop it. The majority of people on this planet, they’re overwhelmed with concerns about their immediate well being  (Present Quotes) Look not mournfully into the past, it comes not back again. Wisely improve the present, it is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future without fear and with a manly heart  (Present Quotes) The first step in community organization is community disorganization. The disruption of the present organization is the first step toward community organization. Present arrangements must be disorganized if they are to be displace by new patterns... All change means disorganization of the old and organization of the new  (Present Quotes) We ought not to endeavor to revise history according to our latter day notions of what things ought to have been, or upon the theory that the past is simply a reflection of the present  (Present Quotes) True progress lies in the direction of decentralization, both territorial and functional, in the development of the spirit of local and personal initiative, and of free federation from the simple to the compound, in lieu of the present hierarchy from the centre to the periphery  (Present Quotes) I live neither in the past nor in the future. I am in the present. I cannot know what tomorrow will bring forth. I can know only what the truth is for me today. That is what I am called upon to serve, and I serve it in all lucidity  (Present Quotes) I always live in the present. I never dream about what might happen. Why? It might not  (Present Quotes) And there is neither beginning nor end, nor past nor future; there is only a present, at the same time static and ephemeral, multiple and absolute. It is the vital ocean in which we all share, according to our strength, our needs or our desires  (Present Quotes) I proceed, gentlemen, to call your attention to the present state of insane persons confined within the commonwealth; in cages, closets, cellars, stalls, pens; chained, naked, beaten with rods, and lashed into obedience  (Present Quotes) Education is what people do to you. Learning is what you do to yourself. Focus on being connected, always learning, fully aware and super present  (Present Quotes) The picture we present to ourselves of who we think we ought to be obscures who we really are  (Present Quotes) Happiness is closer to the experience of acceptance and contentment than it is to pleasure. True happiness exists as the spacious and compassionate heart’s willingness to feel whatever is present  (Present Quotes) To dig our heels in and say no to a present madness is a good thing, but to walk a new path and say yes is a better thing  (Present Quotes) The best thing about the past is that it’s over. The best thing about the future is that it’s yet to come. The best thing about the present is that it’s here now  (Present Quotes) The truth about our childhood is stored up in our body, and although we can repress it, we can never alter it. Our intellect can be deceived, our feelings manipulated, and conceptions confused, and our body tricked with medication. But someday our body will present its bill, for it is as incorruptible as a child, who, still whole in spirit, will accept no compromises or excuses, and it will not stop tormenting us until we stop evading the truth  (Present Quotes) At this point in history when all things which concern man and the structure and elements of history itself are suddenly revealed to us in a new light, it behooves us in our scientific thinking to become masters of the situation, for it is not inconceivable that sooner than we suspect, as has often been the case before in history, this vision may disappear, the opportunity may be lost, and the world will once again present a static, uniform, and inflexible countenance  (Present Quotes) Some poems present themselves as cliffs that need to be climbed. Others are so defensive that when you approach their enclosure you half expect to be met by a snarling dog at the gate. Still others want to smother you with their sticky charms  (Present Quotes) Live the present intensely and fully, do not let the past be a burden, and let the future be an incentive. Each person forges his or her own destiny  (Present Quotes) I will be glad to discuss this proposition with my attorney, and that after I talk with one, we could either discuss it with him or discuss it with my attorney, if the attorney thinks it is a wise thing to do, but at the present time I have nothing more to say to you  (Present Quotes) Introverts are collectors of thoughts, and solitude is where the collection is curated and rearranged to make sense of the present and future  (Present Quotes) The arts especially address the idea of aesthetic experience. An aesthetic experience is one in which your senses are operating at their peak; when you’re present in the current moment; when you’re resonating with the excitement of this thing that you’re experiencing; when you are fully alive  (Present Quotes) If we do not push ourselves enough, we do not grow, but if we push ourselves too much, we regress. What is enough will change, depending on where we are and what we are doing. In that sense, the present moment is always some kind of beginning  (Present Quotes) Usually, I’m only sad when something sad happens. I am not a melancholic person. I like to live very much in the present. If I was an animal, I’d be a little cat. They like to live life  (Present Quotes) Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs  (Present Quotes) I’ve learned that fear is simply an illusion based on past experiences that we project into the present and onto the future  (Present Quotes) I suppose, I hoped, by setting a particularly brutal ancient rite in the present and in my own village to shock the story’s readers with a graphic dramatization of the pointless violence and general inhumanity in their own lives  (Present Quotes) The best preparation for the future is the present well seen to, and the last duty done  (Present Quotes)
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