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Present Quotes

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When I present or speak, I write the slides myself. And regarding time, I would like to be able to publish more than I do  (Present Quotes) The most important decision you’ll ever make is how to spend the present moment!  (Present Quotes) Present suffering is not enjoyable, but life would be worth little without it. The difference between iron and steel is fire, but steel is worth all it costs  (Present Quotes) By the deficiency or absence of one necessary constituent, all the others being present, the soil is rendered barren for all those crops to the life of which that one constituent is indispensable  (Present Quotes) There is one statesman of the present day, of whom I always say that he would have escaped making the blunders that he has made if he had only ridden more in buses  (Present Quotes) And the issue is never the merits of the evidence but always the jealous rivalry of the contestants to see which would be the official light unto the world. Right down to the present day we have been the spectators of a foolish contest between equally vain and bigoted rivals  (Present Quotes) If the house is to be set in the order, one cannot begin with the present; he must begin with the past  (Present Quotes) No human society, present or past, has lacked music. Music is therefore one of the very few human universals, which puts it on the same level as food and sex  (Present Quotes) We pamper the present like a spoiled child, obeying its superficial demands but ignoring its real needs  (Present Quotes) The natural way of ensuring that the past continues to live in the present and to inform the future is to write it down  (Present Quotes) Intellect without humanity is not good enough... what the world is suffering from at the present time is not so much an overabundance of intellect as an insufficiency of humanity  (Present Quotes) You have chosen the pathway to your present destination. The responsibility for your situation is yours  (Present Quotes) As our lives speed up more and more, so do our children’s. We forget and thus they forget that there is nothing more important than the present moment. We forget and thus they forget to relax, to find spiritual solitude, to let go of the past, to quiet ambition, to fully enjoy the eating of a strawberry, the scent of a rose, the touch of a hand on a cheek  (Present Quotes) We all have points in our lives where two roads present themselves and we have to make a decision very fast. We don’t know how it will impact our lives, but it usually does  (Present Quotes) Sentimentality and nostalgia are closely related. Kissing cousins. I have no time for nostalgia, though. Nostalgics believe the past is nicer than the present. It isn’t. Or wasn’t. Nostalgics want to cuddle the past like a puppy. But the past has bloody teeth and bad breath. I look into its mouth like a sorrowing dentist  (Present Quotes) In an asana, the mind has to reach inside the body to find a quiet space until a point comes where perfect balance is felt. If the mind is wandering while practicing, then one is not fully present, and there can be no union. Involvement, interpenetratio n and insight are the required qualities for the practitioner  (Present Quotes) No heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in today. No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present little instant  (Present Quotes) You have the power in the present moment to change limiting beliefs and consciously plant the seeds for the future of your choosing. As you change your mind, you change your experience  (Present Quotes) Most of the harm in the world is done by good people, and not by accident, lapse, or omission. It is the result of their deliberate actions, long persevered in, which they hold to be motivated by high ideals toward virtuous ends... when millions are slaughtered, when torture is practiced, starvation enforced, oppression made a policy, as at present over a large part of the world, and as it has often been in the past, it must be at the behest of very many good people, and even by their direct action, for what they consider a worthy object  (Present Quotes) A photographer’s main instrument is his eyes. Strange as it may seem, many photographers choose to use the eyes of another photographer, past or present, instead of their own. Those photographers are blind  (Present Quotes) Past and present, it is all the same, books are necromancers, they exercise an influence more varied, more lasting, than any magic known to man  (Present Quotes) If you care to be a master or to make a true success of your profession, the smallest detail of your work must be done with thoroughness. To be thorough in medicine means that in the ever alluring present, we do not forget the past  (Present Quotes) Now in the light of past and present events the bitter truth must be spoken. We feared too little and we hoped too much. We underestimated the bestiality of the enemy; we overestimtaed the humanity, the wisdom, the sense of justice of our friends  (Present Quotes) Every present state of a simple substance is the natural consequence of its preceding state, in such a way that its present is big with its future  (Present Quotes) Design a clear and simple interface. The primary task of the interface is to present the player with a choice of the available actions at each moment and to provide instant feedback when the player makes a choice  (Present Quotes) Each day is a new life. Each moment is really a new life. What we call memories are really present thoughts. What we call anticipations are really present thoughts. No one has ever lived in any moment except the present  (Present Quotes) Moral disarmament is to safeguard the future; material disarmament is to save for the present, that there may be a future to safeguard  (Present Quotes) Our immediate striving must be aimed at preventing what, in the present situation, is the greatest threat to the very survival of mankind, the nuclear threat  (Present Quotes) The artist, viewing his fellows through his personal vision, has through the ages attempted to portray what he sees and to present his understanding of it. Censorship in his case has perpetrated heavy and sometimes reprehensible blunders  (Present Quotes) In order for the light of gratitude and happiness to shine so brightly, the darkness of how it could be worse must be present  (Present Quotes)
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