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We urgently need a paradigm shift in our concept of the purposes and practices of education. We need to leave behind the concept of education as a passport to more money and higher status in the future and replace it with a concept of education as an ongoing process that enlists the tremendous energies and creativity of schoolchildren in rebuilding and respiriting our communities and our cities now, in the present  (Present Quotes) It is not simply what one remembers, but why. There are sites of amputation where the past is severed from the body of the present. Remembering only encourages the growth of phantom limbs. And it is not simply what one remembers, or why, but what to do with what one remembers, which of the scattered pieces to carry forward, what to protect and preserve, what to leave behind  (Present Quotes) I’m not eager at all to present my life out there for public consumption. I like to do one or two films a year and then do what is absolutely obligatory in terms of promoting them. My life outside of films is vital to me  (Present Quotes) It makes us a thread in a tapestry that has unrolled for centuries before us, and will unroll for centuries after us. We’re midway through the loom, that’s the present, and what we do casts the thread in a particular direction, and the picture of the tapestry changes accordingly. When we begin to to try to make a picture pleasing to us and to those who come after, then perhaps you can say that we have seized history  (Present Quotes) You will never have this day with your children again. Tomorrow they will be a little bigger then they are today. This day is a gift. Breathe and notice. Smell and touch them; study their faces and little feet and pay attention. Relish the charms of the present. Enjoy today mama. It will be over before you know it  (Present Quotes) To love women, to love our vaginas, to know them and touch them and be familiar with who we are and what we need. To satisfy ourselves, to teach our lovers to satisfy us, to be present in our vaginas, to speak of them out loud, to speak of their hunger and pain and loneliness and humor, to make them visible so they cannot be ravaged in the dark without great consequence, so that our center, our point, our motor, our dream, is no longer detached, mutilated, numb, broken, invisible, or ashamed  (Present Quotes) If I would expect better spiritual conditions to serve, I would not have started until the present moment  (Present Quotes) The prospect of future lives in remote heavens as a compensation for the inadequacy of our present lives is a bad tradeoff for losing out on the present  (Present Quotes) When you become present, your mind is silent. There is no agenda. You are not holding onto anything. You are not seeking anything. You are just here with what is, and it is enough  (Present Quotes) A greater awareness in architects and planners of their real value to society could, at the present, result in that rare occurrence, namely, the improvement of the quality of life as a result of architectural endeavour  (Present Quotes) Everything we now enjoy has been provided through the kindness of other beings, past or present  (Present Quotes) Think there is nothing we can do to change the past, so we have to look at the present to make sure that the past will never repeat itself again  (Present Quotes) ... This large and expensive stock of drugs will be unnecessary. By... doses of... medicines... multiplying... combining them properly, 20 to 30 articles, aided by the common resources of the lancet, a garden, a kitchen, fresh air, cool water, exercise, will be sufficient to cure all the diseases that are at present under the power of medicine  (Present Quotes) Gold and iron at the present day, as in ancient times, are the rulers of the world; and the great events in the world of mineral art are not the discovery of new substances, but of new and rich localities of old ones  (Present Quotes) .. when the target of crime is armed, there is more law present, more public policy present, and more public interest served than by all 20,000 gun laws in force  (Present Quotes) I am incredibly bad at predicting the future; I am only smart enough to observe the present and listen to my intuition about tendencies  (Present Quotes) Play permits the child to resolve in symbolic form unsolved problems of the past and to cope directly or symbolically with present concerns. It is also his most significant tool for preparing himself for the future and its tasks  (Present Quotes) There was no smell. Over the years time other than when it rained, the musty odour was present. People were in and out of that house daily for years. And other than when it rained, there was no odour and certainly not like what some of the books said. That’s all fantasy. If that odour was there somebody would have noticed it sooner  (Present Quotes) If things are tough, remember that every flower had to go through a whole lot of dirt to get there. So do not grieve about a bitter experience. The present is slipping by while you are regretting the past and worrying about the future. Regret will not prevent tomorrow’s sorrows; it will only rob today of its strength  (Present Quotes) Memory performs the impossible for man; holds together past and present, gives continuity and dignity to human life  (Present Quotes) How can a modern anthropologist embark upon a generalization with any hope of arriving at a satisfactory conclusion? By thinking of the organizational ideas that are present in any society as a mathematical pattern  (Present Quotes) It is hard to communicate understanding because that is something you get by living with a problem for a long time. You study it, perhaps for years, you get the feel of it and it is in your bones. You can’t convey that to anyone else. Having studied the problem for five years you may be able to present it in such a way that it would take somebody else less time to get to that point than it took you. But if they haven’t struggled with the problem and seen all the pitfalls, then they haven’t really understood it  (Present Quotes) The older one gets, the more one feels that the present must be enjoyed; it is a precious gift, comparable to a state of grace  (Present Quotes) Know something about something. Don’t just present your wonderful self to the world. Constantly amass knowledge and offer it around  (Present Quotes) A well trained body is a beautiful instrument on which to play the melody of the present moment  (Present Quotes) In a world without future, each parting of friends is a death. In a world without future, each loneliness is final. In a world without future, each laugh is the last laugh. In a world without future, beyond the present lies nothingness, and people cling to the present as if hanging from a cliff  (Present Quotes) You spend very little time in the present moment. Reality exists only in the present moment. Therefore you spend very little time in reality  (Present Quotes) When we notice a connection between our present fears and their origins in early life, we are finding out how much of our identity is designed by fear. Is fear the architect of me?  (Present Quotes) Our past is the forge upon which we are hardened and tempered, to prepare us for the present. We are like a fine blade that must be hammered into shape before it can be ready to make its finest cuts  (Present Quotes) I know as a child, I was really interested in becoming a manga artist, to create my own stories and illustrate them and present something that people would be interested in reading and looking at as well  (Present Quotes)
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