Present Quotes

Text Quotes
Appearance matters a great deal because you can often tell a lot about people by looking at how they present themselves (Present Quotes)
Change is not what we expect from religious people. They tend to love the past more than the present or the future (Present Quotes)
In that moment I know exactly what I want; I want to peel away all the layers of clothing between us, strip away everything that separates us, the past and the present and the future (Present Quotes)
The habit of looking to the future and thinking that the whole meaning of the present lies in what it will bring forth is a pernicious one. There can be no value in the whole unless there is value in the parts (Present Quotes)
Men wrongly lament the flight of time, blaming it for being too swift; they do not perceive that its passage is sufficiently long, but a good memory, which nature has given to us, causes things long past to seem present (Present Quotes)
The act of forgiveness is the act of returning to present time. And that’s why when one has become a forgiving person, and has managed to let go of the past, what they’ve really done is they’ve shifted their relationship with time (Present Quotes)
A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. A goal is what specifically you intend to make happen. Dreams and goals should be just out of your present reach but not out of sight. Dreams and goals are coming attractions in your life (Present Quotes)
In 1970 I felt so lonely that I could not give; now I feel so joyful that giving seems easy. I hope that the day will come when the memory of my present joy will give me the strength to keep giving even when loneliness gnaws at my heart (Present Quotes)
Those who are in love with the present can be cruel and corrupt but not genuinely vicious. They cannot be methodically and consistently ruthless (Present Quotes)
The past is as powerless to darken the present moment as is a shadow to reach up and drag down the form that casts it (Present Quotes)
Knowing oneself is not so much a question of discovering what is present in one’s self, but rather the creation of who one wants to be (Present Quotes)
A man’s memory may almost become the art of continually varying and misrepresenting his past, according to his interest in the present (Present Quotes)
At present I am light, now I fly, now I see myself below me, now a God dances through me (Present Quotes)
Whatever you have committed wrong in the past or whatever you used to think of the future, the present becomes divine. And that divine present is the ocean of joy of which you are the part and particle. Just enjoy that (Present Quotes)
The friend who cares makes it clear that whatever happens in the external world, being present to each other is what really matters. In fact, it matters more than pain, illness, or even death (Present Quotes)
The present moment is the still point around which the universe arises and subsides, only to be reborn again, fresh as a new born child (Present Quotes)
To receive a present handsomely and in a right spirit, even when you have none to give in return, is to give one in return (Present Quotes)
Joyful let the soul be in the present, let it disdain to trouble about what is beyond and temper bitterness with a laugh. Nothing is blessed forever (Present Quotes)
The power of memories and expectations is such that for most human beings, the past and the future are not as real, but rather more real than the present (Present Quotes)
Government should be weak, amateurish and ridiculous. At present, it fulfills only a third of the role (Present Quotes)
Greatness after all, in spite of its name, appears to be not so much a certain size as a certain quality in human lives. It may be present in lives whose range is very small (Present Quotes)
Not to have an adequate air force in the present state of the world is to compromise the foundations of national freedom and independence (Present Quotes)
Experiencing the present purely is being empty and hollow; you catch grace as a man fills his cup under a waterfall (Present Quotes)
It is an uneasy lot at best, to be what we call highly taught and yet not to enjoy: to be present at this great spectacle of life and never to be liberated from a small hungry shivering self (Present Quotes)
One of the illusions of life is that the present hour is not the critical, decisive one (Present Quotes)
The enterprise that does not innovate ages and declines. And in a period of rapid change such as the present, the decline will be fast (Present Quotes)
Avarice often produces opposite results: there are an infinite number of persons who sacrifice their property to doubtful and distant expectations; others mistake great future advantages for small present interests (Present Quotes)
When in haste, rest in the present. Take a deep breath and come back to here and now (Present Quotes)
When we let go of our battles and open our hearts to things as they are, then we come to rest in the present moment. This is the beginning and the end of spiritual practice (Present Quotes)
Affirmation statements are going beyond the reality of the present into the creation of the future through the words you use in the now (Present Quotes)