Present Quotes

Text Quotes
I believe we should continue to have a partnership of national states each retaining the right to protect its vital interests, but developing more effectively than at present the habit of working together (Present Quotes)
These people get to the top because they have to, because inside them burns a dream too big, too ever present, too demanding to be denied (Present Quotes)
Too often the past has been twisted to fit the visions and agendas of the present (Present Quotes)
... stories that rise from deep suffering can provide the most potent remedies for past, present, and even future ills (Present Quotes)
Because if the manifestations that happen in the present moment are beautiful and good, their continuation in the future will be also good and beautiful (Present Quotes)
It is not only the prisoners who grow coarse and hardened from corporal punishment, but those as well who perpetrate the act or are present to witness it (Present Quotes)
Market prices are always wrong in the sense that they present a biased view of the future (Present Quotes)
To become mindful … present … is really the invitation to work with the joys and the sorrows of the world, and to do so with this gift, this capacity of loving awareness, of attention that actually can be present for the whole dance (Present Quotes)
Strengthen your mind and refuse to carry the burden of mental and moral weakness acquired in past years; burn them in the fires of your present divine resolutions and right activities. By this constructive attitude you will attain freedom (Present Quotes)
The animal lacks both anxiety and hope because its consciousness is restricted to what is clearly evident and thus to the present moment: the animal is the present incarnate (Present Quotes)
Life is divided into three periods: that which has been, that which is, that which will be. Of these the present is short, the future is doubtful, the past is certain (Present Quotes)
Discard everything except these few truths: we can live only in the present moment, in this brief now; all the rest of our life is dead and buried or shrouded in uncertainty. Short is the life we lead, and small our patch of earth (Present Quotes)
At present scientists do not look for alternatives simply because they do not care enough about the animals they are using (Present Quotes)
We think we’re in the present, but we aren’t. The present we know is only a movie of the past (Present Quotes)
The question is whether you can bear freedom. At present the vast majority of men, whether white or black, require the discipline of labor which enslaves them for their own good (Present Quotes)
How you experience your present is completely shaped by what you believe your ultimate future to be (Present Quotes)
The useful may be trusted to further itself, for many produce it and no one can do without it; but the beautiful must be specially encouraged, for few can present it, while yet all have need of it (Present Quotes)
Envy ought to have no place allowed it in the hearts of people; for the goods of this present world are so vile and low that they are beneath it; and those of the future world are so vast and exalted that they are above it (Present Quotes)
One never dives into the water to save a drowning man more eagerly than when there are others present who dare not take the risk (Present Quotes)
The system is the best that the present views and circumstances of the country will permit (Present Quotes)
War, to sane men at the present day, begins to look like an epidemic insanity, breaking out here and there like the cholera or influenza, infecting men’s brains instead of their bowels (Present Quotes)
Neurotics think of the past with resentment, and the future with dread; the present just doesn’t exist (Present Quotes)
Experience, as we know, has a way of boiling over, and making us correct our present formulas (Present Quotes)
I think that the present is worth attention, one shouldn’t sacrifice it to future conceptions of, of this future or that future (Present Quotes)
What a difficult thing it is to ask someone’s advice on a matter without coloring his judgment by the way in which we present our problem (Present Quotes)
Reading is a majority skill but a minority art. Yet nothing can replace the exact, complicated, subtle communion between absent author and entranced, present reader (Present Quotes)
I love to think that the day you’re born, you’re given the world as a birthday present (Present Quotes)
I see in the rising crescendo of ethnic tensions, civilization clashes and the use of religious justification for acts of terror, a clear and present danger to humanity (Present Quotes)
I think it’s important to try to be present with whatever it is you’re doing. And if you can’t be present, take a break (Present Quotes)
And how comfortless is the thought that the sickness of the normal does not necessarily imply as its opposite the health of the sick, but that the latter usually only present, in a different way, the same disastrous pattern (Present Quotes)