Preservation Quotes

Text Quotes
A generous nation is grateful even for the preservation of its rights, and willingly extends the respect due to the office of a good prince into an affection for his person (Preservation Quotes)
Reason shows itself in all occurrences of life; whereas the brute makes no discovery of such a talent, but in what immediately regards his own preservation or the continuance of his species (Preservation Quotes)
One means very effectual for the preservation of health is a quiet and cheerful mind, not afflicted with violent passions or distracted with immoderate cares (Preservation Quotes)
It is by the promulgation of sound morals in the community, and more especially by the training and instruction of the young, that woman performs her part towards the preservation of free government (Preservation Quotes)
Censorship may be useful for the preservation of morality, but can never be so for its restoration (Preservation Quotes)
Conscience is the guardian in the individual of the rules which the community has evolved for its own preservation (Preservation Quotes)
I have entered the field to die, if need be, for this government, and never expect to return to peaceful pursuits until the object of this war of preservation has become a fact established (Preservation Quotes)
The salvation of a single soul is more important than the production or preservation of all the epics and tragedies in the world (Preservation Quotes)
Those in power need checks and restraints lest they come to identify the common good for their own tastes and desires, and their continuation in office as essential to the preservation of the nation (Preservation Quotes)
For the preservation of chastity, an empty and rumbling stomach and fevered lungs are indispensable (Preservation Quotes)
Real security, in other words, is inseparable from issues of energy policy; education; public health; preservation of soils, forests, and waters; and broadly based, sustainable prosperity (Preservation Quotes)
My efforts in Congress are guided by the belief that environmental preservation and restoration are a critical part of the legacy we leave to future generations (Preservation Quotes)
We shall not fight for the preservation of the enemy, which has laid waste with death and desolation the fields and hills of Ireland for 700 years (Preservation Quotes)
Armies for the preservation of peace do not exist; they exist only for the triumphant exertion of war (Preservation Quotes)
If the incentives are aligned right - towards better preservation and restoration of nature and natural resources - then you’ll see a tremendous amount of activity in that direction (Preservation Quotes)
An unflinching determination to take the whole evidence into account is the only method of preservation against the fluctuating extremes of fashionable opinion (Preservation Quotes)
The state is a means to an end. Its end lies in the preservation and advancement of a community of physically and psychically homogenous creatures (Preservation Quotes)
There happened in the Middle Ages what has happened so often since then. Those who were the beneficiaries of the established order were bent on defending it, not so much, perhaps, because it guaranteed their interests, as because it seemed to them indispensable to the preservation of society (Preservation Quotes)
Why does one never hear of government funding for the preservation and encouragement of comic strips, girlie magazines and TV soap operas? Because these genres still hold the audience they were created to amuse and instruct (Preservation Quotes)
Preservation of the environment, promotion of sustainable development and particular attention to climate change are matters of grave concern for the entire human family. No nation or business sector can ignore the ethical implications present in all economic and social development. With increasing clarity scientific research demonstrates that the impact of human actions in any one place or region can have worldwide effects (Preservation Quotes)
The preservation of freedom, is not the task of soldiers alone. The whole nation has to be strong. (Preservation Quotes)
Love the woods and nature and the water and animals. Stop the BS with poaching and hunting. Preservation is critical. (Preservation Quotes)
His (the theologian) basic instinct of self preservation forbids him to respect reality at any point or even to let it get a word in. (Preservation Quotes)
The liberal uses the radical’s language to achieve the conservative’s aim: the preservation of the capitalist system, and the traditional ethnic/racial hierarchy within society. (Preservation Quotes)
I understand a ship to be made for the carrying and preservation of the cargo, and so long as the ship can be saved, with the cargo, it should never be abandoned. This Union likewise should never be abandoned unless it fails and the possibility of its preservation shall cease to exist, without throwing passengers and cargo overboard. (Preservation Quotes)
Preservation of the environment, promotion of sustainable development and particular attention to climate change are matters of grave concern for the entire human family. (Preservation Quotes)
A relationship is like life. It isn’t a process of preservation, but of change and growth. Unless you grow and change together, you will change ... and grow apart. (Preservation Quotes)
The work of preservation demands that the feelings playing about in one’s guts not be turned into action. Just watch their passing like cherry blossoms. (Preservation Quotes)
Food that is necessary for man’s existence is as sacred as life itself. Everything that is indispensable for its preservation is the common property of society as a whole. It is only the surplus that is private property and can be safely left to individual commercial enterprise. (Preservation Quotes)
The preservation of peace and the guaranteeing of man’s basic freedoms and rights require courage and eternal vigilance: courage to speak and act - and if necessary, to suffer and die - for truth and justice; eternal vigilance, that the least transgression of international morality shall not go undetected and unremedied. (Preservation Quotes)