Presidential Election Quotes
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Text Quotes
Voters who live off taxpayers are the Democrats’ ace in the hole. The Democrats created big programs and never let the recipients forget it. This gives them an initial advantage of tens of millions of votes in any presidential election (Presidential Election Quotes)
It seems to me that if Mr. Obama wins the presidential election, then Messrs. Farrakhan, Wright, Ayers and Pfleger will gain power for their need to demoralize this country and help create a socialist America (Presidential Election Quotes)
Well, one thing that has happened is they have had a presidential election in Egypt which has represented progress. Now, we were not happy with everything that happened with the parliamentary elections, and it was not exactly a perfect presidential election in Egypt (Presidential Election Quotes)
It would be a much better country if women did not vote. That is simply a fact. In fact, in every presidential election since 1950 - except Goldwater in 64 - the Republican would have won, if only the men had voted (Presidential Election Quotes)
Incumbent White House parties have won 10 of the last 18 presidential elections; the odds are tight, but they favor Obama in 2012. And so gloomy Democrats, check your despair; gleeful Republicans, watch the hubris (Presidential Election Quotes)
I think we may be seeing the beginnings of a resurgence of civic-mindedness in this country. Hopefully the younger generations, which came out in record numbers during the last presidential election, will pass their enthusiasm on to their children (Presidential Election Quotes)
The 2004 presidential election that saw George W. Bush win with 51 percent of the vote was the last one Republicans will ever win with the overwhelmingly white and male coalition they have now (Presidential Election Quotes)
If you can’t, or won’t, think of Seymour, then you go right ahead and call in some ignorant psychoanalyst. You just do that. You just call in some analyst who’s experienced in adjusting people to the joys of television, and Life magazine every Wednesday, and European travel, and the H-bomb, and Presidential elections, and the front page of the Times, and God knows what else that’s gloriously normal (Presidential Election Quotes)
But did you know that during the past quarter century, no presidential election has been won by more than ten million ballots cast? Yet every federal election during the same time period had at least one hundred million people of voting age who did not bother to vote! (Presidential Election Quotes)
In the 2004 presidential election, we saw a wonderful example of citizens making contributions. In fact, individual giving to both the Kerry and Bush campaigns was the highest in our nation’s history (Presidential Election Quotes)
You know what’s really frightening? You (Jon Stewart) actually have an influence on this presidential election. That is scary, but it’s true. You’ve got stoned slackers watching your dopey show every night and they can vote (Presidential Election Quotes)
At a press conference yesterday NASA announced that 2005 was the hottest year on record. It is so hot, and global warming is so bad, if the presidential election were held today, Al Gore would still lose (Presidential Election Quotes)
Americans long to be united. After 9/11, we all just wanted to be one nation. Not a single American on September the 12, 2001, cared who won the next presidential election (Presidential Election Quotes)
Jeb Bush announced today on the Internet that he may run for president. The next presidential election could be Bush vs. Clinton. It will be like 1992 all over again except I won’t be in rehab (Presidential Election Quotes)
The recent AP poll that came out last month said that approximately 90% of the American people felt that the two-party system was failing us in the presidential election. (Presidential Election Quotes)
After [Tomas] Jefferson’s defeat of [John] Adams in the presidential election of 1800, they didn’t communicate with one another for more than a decade. (Presidential Election Quotes)
Presidential election results in 2008 and 2012 clarified that talk radio was not, in fact, running the country. (Presidential Election Quotes)
Green’ is likely to be a big issue in the 2008 U.S. presidential election - largely in response to George Bush’s suicidal refusal to engage with environmental issues. (Presidential Election Quotes)
In most presidential elections, the taller candidate wins (Presidential Election Quotes)
I’d invite you to my wedding even if you beat my mom in a presidential election (Presidential Election Quotes)
Every four years in the presidential election, some new precedent is broken (Presidential Election Quotes)
It was a presidential election year, and as a member of a consortium of Ivy League radio stations, we participated in ‘network’ coverage of election night (Presidential Election Quotes)
The 2004 Election marks the first time in modern political history that Republican voter turnout matched Democratic turnout in a presidential election year (Presidential Election Quotes)
We have a presidential election coming up. And I think the big problem, of course, is that someone will win (Presidential Election Quotes)
One of the problems we saw in the last presidential election in our party is that our nominee, while winning the election, which we ought never to forget, often lost sight of the difference between strategy and tactics (Presidential Election Quotes)
You must believe that you can help bring about a better world. A good society is produced only by good individuals, just as truly as a majority in a presidential election is produced by the votes of single electors (Presidential Election Quotes)
Political nature abhors a vacuum, which is what often exists for a year or two in a party after it loses a presidential election (Presidential Election Quotes)
Thirteen years after the end of the Soviet Union, the American press establishment seemed eager to turn Ukraine’s protested presidential election on November 21 into a new cold war with Russia (Presidential Election Quotes)
I will not step down, I will not resign,... I will work to the end of my term in office under the constitution. In the year 2000, there will be presidential elections under the constitution and I will not run in those elections (Presidential Election Quotes)
It may seem to your conceited to suppose that you can do anything important toward improving the lot of mankind. But this is a fallacy. You must believe that you can help bring about a better world. A good society is produced only by good individuals, just as truly as a majority in a presidential election is produced by the votes of single electors. Everybody can do something toward creating in his own environment kindly feelings rather than anger, reasonableness rather than hysteria, happiness rather than misery (Presidential Election Quotes)
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