Press Quotes

Text Quotes
I respect the office of the presidency, but I never worship at the shrines of our public servants... The Washington press corps has the privilege of asking the president of the United States what he is doing and why (Press Quotes)
Atheism comes into rather a bad press and I suppose I’d rather describe myself as a humanist... I don’t believe in God. I don’t believe there is a God (Press Quotes)
The beauty of new media is that no evidence is necessary. The brave blog-troopers have stormed the cockpit of news, and wrestled the joystick of authority away from the seasoned pilots of the press who would land our country at the Facts International Airport (Press Quotes)
An Associated Press report called the President’s antics ‘Bible-thumping politics.’ Clinton’s message was decidedly religious and partisan, as was Governor’s Cuomo’s remarks as he ‘also cited religious themes and maxims.’ Why didn’t the press, the ACLU, and People for the American Way cry foul? (Press Quotes)
The British press hate a winner who’s British. They don’t like any British man to have balls as big as a cow’s like I have (Press Quotes)
I think the press has an interest in communicating to its viewers or readers, and their viewers or readers drive profit for those news organizations, so I think those news organizations have a certain bias toward their own readers. Yeah, I think they are a special interest. Of course they are (Press Quotes)
The American revolutionaries believed in the power of the word. But they had only word of mouth and the printing press. We have the Internet (Press Quotes)
I started with the Oakland A’s back in 1971 and there was press at every game and there were cameras on me when I was that young. So with 20 years being MC Hammer, I’m comfortable with cameras so when the camera goes on, I continue doing what I’m doing (Press Quotes)
I try to get away from the pits as quickly as I can. I speak to my engineer when I get out of the car, usually there’s some press to do, then I will go off and have a shower and get my dry, clean overalls and clothing on. I’ll have a massage, stretch and something to eat. I don’t sleep, but I try to close my eyes for a while (Press Quotes)
The other night, President Bush’s press conference was pre-empted by ‘American Idol.’ You know the difference between President Bush and ‘American Idol?’ See, on ‘American Idol,’ the one with the most votes wins (Press Quotes)
Last night, President Bush gave a prime-time press conference. It was such a big deal that Fox decided to preempt American Idol. Which made sense to me, you don’t want too many amateurs on in one night (Press Quotes)
Blessings be the inventor of the alphabet, pen and printing press! Life would be -- to me in all events -- a terrible thing without books (Press Quotes)
Youth would be too happy, might it add to its own beauty and felicity the wisdom and experience of riper years. Were it possible for it to realize the worth of time, as life’s receding hours reveal it, how rapidly would it press on towards perfection! (Press Quotes)
There is an attempt to tarnish Turkey by using press freedom when it is in fact measures taken against terrorism, I dispute this. Nowhere in Europe or in other countries is there a media that is as free as the press in Turkey (Press Quotes)
The journalists in America are no longer covering critical stories. Investigative journalism is gone. Foreign-news coverage is gone. The press is owned by five giant corporations (Press Quotes)
Rebellion, just to be clear, can mean holding onto some of your own integrity, of not playing into the idea of sensationalism. We all have our moments, and that’s your guys’ job - to take those moments and make them turgid, gaseous, make them big, and it’s bigger than the person is. When you start believing your own press, that’s when it gets really sad (Press Quotes)
Science, as illustrated by the printing press, the telegraph, the railway, is a double-edged sword. At the same moment that it puts an enormous power in the hands of the good man, it also offers an equal advantage to the evil disposed (Press Quotes)
Apart from The Holiday, I haven’t really spent a huge amount of time in LA. Not that I avoid it, it’s just that I don’t often go there unless I’m doing press. The one thing I have discovered about LA with kids is that it’s really great for children. They really like the sun and making sand castles (Press Quotes)
...a Conservative backbencher called Margaret Thatcher managed, despite front bench opposition, to get enacted her Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, which was aimed at opening up council meetings to both press and public (Press Quotes)
I hope that if I ever disappear, people don’t look for me based on the last websites I visited. Kind of an awkward press conference for my parents. Officer, do you have any leads? Well, based on Mr. Finnegan’s computer entries, we think he was abducted by Sorority Sluts (Press Quotes)
. I used to advise writers to just write their books and it will find a home, and suddenly that didn’t seem as certain. I figured it was time to act. I considered a small press through RADAR, my literary non-profit (Press Quotes)
One sad consequence of this is that people don’t feel permitted to try understand Internet infrastructure, so I’m really grateful to groups like Free Press and other nonprofits who are trying to make the issue urgent and comprehensible. And Andre Blum’s book Tubes is great on this topic (Press Quotes)
What has been adjudicated and established in the wake of Vietnam and the Civil Rights movement is the ability of the press to basically write or broadcast almost anything about the government. There’s very few restrictions in that way (Press Quotes)
I don’t think that there is absolute freedom of the press. We operate under laws - against libel, for instance. The idea that there is some absolute press freedom is kind of a myth (Press Quotes)
At the Academy Award Dinners all the actors and actresses in Hollywood gather around to see what someone else thinks about their acting besides their press agents (Press Quotes)
Make plans for your new goals. And press towards achieving the goals with all your strength (Press Quotes)
The best way of dealing with the press, customers, and critics is to come clean when things go wrong and admit when you make a mistake. We are humans, and no one expects us to be perfect. (Press Quotes)
This is what it’s all about. From what I could see, you could get a bunch of people together, whip up the press and have some impact. (Press Quotes)
We all press buttons in relationships, in our dealings with people, without thinking what it really means. We all knock along without questioning what kind of situation we’re in. We may often be in a very good one, but we don’t even appreciate the good situations. We’re lazy. Or we’re scared. Or we just don’t notice. (Press Quotes)
I never have an alter ego in the movies. That’s a fiction that the press has made up over the years, and it’s fun to write that. It gives them something to write. (Press Quotes)