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Pressured Quotes

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The institute for global labour and human rights... Have pressured retailers on campus and off to publicly disclose the factory names and addresses  (Pressured Quotes) I don’t think young men or women should feel pressured into marriage. You shouldn’t marry anyone, in my opinion, who you have to try hard for  (Pressured Quotes) We’ve always been the development project that lived in a time pressured setting and always where commercial entities were relying heavily on releases in a certain time frame  (Pressured Quotes) I don’t think anyone will believe me, but I’ve never been pressured by a publisher to churn out a book  (Pressured Quotes) Young people discovering their sexuality must know they walk with a strong tradition and that they are not alone. They have a right to information without being pressured  (Pressured Quotes) I’ve always chosen all my own material; no one ever told me what to sing or how to sing it, but I’ve always been pressured intensely to use musicians outside of my band  (Pressured Quotes) My parents never pressured me to skate. They always said I could quit if I wanted to. They only expected me to skate when they had already paid for the expensive lessons. But, otherwise they said I could do what I wanted to do  (Pressured Quotes) I was never directly pressured by peers, but by surrounding myself with others who were experimenting with smoking provided a certain false comfort  (Pressured Quotes) The more you pray, the less you’ll panic. The more you worship, the less you worry. You’ll feel more patient and less pressured  (Pressured Quotes) My family are very supportive and always have been. They weren’t the kind of parents that pushed me into it. I know a lot of parents of kid actors I’ve worked with have pressured them into acting, but my parents are different. I’m really lucky to have them because they let me make my own decisions  (Pressured Quotes) Music is my favorite thing in the world. I grew up completely around it and I think it’s one of the most important things to me, but at this point I can’t see myself doing that professionally. Luckily, for the most part, I don’t feel pressured  (Pressured Quotes) I had piano lessons at five and started guitar at ten, but although music and acting was always around me, my parents never pressured me into it  (Pressured Quotes) Pressure is an emotional paralysis. It’s hard enough to do the dishes when you’re feeling pressured, let alone make a movie  (Pressured Quotes) You know, I’m just a very boring, not very funny person in person. I don’t feel pressured to be otherwise  (Pressured Quotes) Women are socially disadvantaged in controlling sexual access to their bodies through socialization to customs that define a woman’s body as for sexual use by men. Sexual access is regularly forced or pressured or routinized beyond denial  (Pressured Quotes) There’s just so much negative media surrounding professional athletes or sports in general, whether it’s kids that are pressured too much or professional athletes making mistakes that influence their family  (Pressured Quotes) And write what you love - don't feel pressured to write serious prose if what you like is to be funny  (Pressured Quotes) People don’t want to be bothered, if they’re not being pressured to change. You have to push people. You have to be the agitator that makes the pearl  (Pressured Quotes)
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