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Pressurised Quotes

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I think it must be so hard to start your career with everyone going on about how gorgeous you are. To be in that bracket must be so pressurised  (Pressurised Quotes) Comparison is a disease. I never felt any competition, since I never compared myself to others. I only focus on my work. I never feel pressurised and do films in my style. Also, I’m very active since childhood, and that gives me the edge to always put my best.  (Pressurised Quotes) My family know not to get me any tech for Christmas. I can never get it to work, and it all becomes very tearful and pressurised.  (Pressurised Quotes) There is already enough chattering nonsense on the ground. Do we really need aviaries in pressurised tin cans at 30,000 feet as well ?  (Pressurised Quotes)