Presuppose Quotes

Text Quotes
All genuine political theories presuppose man to be evil (Presuppose Quotes)
Sympathy is the first condition of criticism; reason and justice presuppose, at their origin, emotion (Presuppose Quotes)
Human relationships always help us to carry on because they always presuppose a future (Presuppose Quotes)
It is necessary for him who lays out a state and arranges laws for it to presuppose that all men are evil and that they are always going to act according to the wickedness of their spirits whenever they have free scope (Presuppose Quotes)
Our judgements of good and evil... presuppose God as the standard. If there's no God, there's neither good nor evil. There's just nature doing what it does (Presuppose Quotes)
True intimacy is a human constant. People of all types find it equally hard to achieve, equally precious to hold. Age, education, social status, make little difference here; even genius does not presuppose the talent to reveal one’s self completely and completely absorb one’s self in another personality. Intimacy is to love what concentration is to work: a simultaneous drawing together to attention and release of energy (Presuppose Quotes)
Hitherto the nude has always been represented in poses which presuppose an audience. But my women are simple, honest creatures who are concerned with nothing beyond their physical occupations... it is as if you were looking through a keyhole (Presuppose Quotes)
Cinema is consistently making a claim to particular memories, histories, ways of life, identities, and values that always presuppose some notion of difference, community, and the future. Given that films both reflect and shape public culture, they cannot be defined exclusively through a notion of artistic freedom and autonomy that removes them from any form of critical accountability (Presuppose Quotes)
The range of circumstances in which it is possible to presuppose the presence of a combination is very limited. The presence of such circumstances is the reason for the genesis of the idea in the master’s brain (Presuppose Quotes)
There is no power relation without the correlative constitution of a field of knowledge, nor any knowledge that does not presuppose and constitute at the same time power relations (Presuppose Quotes)
Whoever takes it upon himself to establish a commonwealth and prescribe laws must presuppose all men naturally bad, and that they will yield to their innate evil passions as often as they can do so with safety (Presuppose Quotes)
The script is very good because the things that happen in it are very believable to me. It doesn’t presuppose that the world has changed very much. You don’t have to think that you’re in a different world (Presuppose Quotes)
Who so taketh in hand to frame any state or government ought to presuppose that all men are evil, and at occasions will show themselves so to be. (Presuppose Quotes)
Our judgements of good and evil ... presuppose God as the standard. If there’s no God, there’s neither good nor evil. There’s just nature doing what it does (Presuppose Quotes)