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Pretend Quotes

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I don’t pretend we have all the answers. But the questions are certainly worth thinking about.  (Pretend Quotes) My parents are very funny when they have to deal with anything racy or off-color. They usually pretend they don’t speak English.  (Pretend Quotes) I can’t pretend that I’m a great student of the art of comedy because anybody that becomes philosophical about humour doesn’t know what he’s talking about.  (Pretend Quotes) Wear what you want to wear. Do what you want to do. Be who you are. Pick out your own clothes. Be a man. And if that’s too much to ask, as it almost always is for me, think of someone you consider to be a man and pretend to be like him. I pretend to be like my dad.  (Pretend Quotes) Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will.  (Pretend Quotes) I have always been good at auditioning, but maybe because I had a good trick at the beginning. I would pretend that my agent gave me the wrong scene or lines. They would take pity on me and hand me the right scene. I would act like I had never seen this before - and then do pretty well considering I had already rehearsed it.  (Pretend Quotes) When I go home, I play with my baby dolls and strollers and stuffed animals, pretend like they’re real dogs.  (Pretend Quotes) The key is just to ignore the pain, because physical comedy only works if you see someone get hurt and they aren’t actually hurt. If someone gets hit in the face with a bat, falls down, and gets back up, it’s funny. If they stay down and their jaw is wired shut in the next scene, it’s really tragic and weird. You have to pretend it doesn’t hurt.  (Pretend Quotes) When you act, you’re being asked to pretend in a very rigid, controlled environment. It’s very un-childlike. So a lot of times, when you put kids in that situation, you hope they have a better support system outside of what they’re doing to bring them back to reality at the end of the day and to keep them well-rounded.  (Pretend Quotes) Acting is playing pretend, playing a children’s game at an adult level, but with children’s rules. It’s fun to play bad guys. I’ve never been in a fight in my life, so it’s fun to play something that’s different.  (Pretend Quotes) Not too bad, reminds me of some kind of meat dip, best if you close your eyes and pretend it’s something else.  (Pretend Quotes) Mysticism has been in the past and probably ever will be one of the great powers of the world and it is bad scholarship to pretend the contrary.  (Pretend Quotes) ...you can pretend that bad things will never happen. But life’s a lot easier if you realize and admit that sometimes they do.  (Pretend Quotes) I’m not going to pretend that bad things don’t happen. I just hope my daughter has enough understanding that when they do, just give me a call.  (Pretend Quotes) A friend of mine has a house with a basketball court and a pool. The guys go over and play basketball; I lie by the pool and nap in the sun. That defines me. That’s consistent with who I am. I don’t pretend to play basketball because I wanna feel like one of the guys. I wanna lie in the sun and relax.  (Pretend Quotes) I’m very proud of being a woman, and as a woman, I don’t even like the word ‘feminism’ because when I hear that word, I associate it with women trying to pretend to be men, and I’m not interested in trying to pretend to be a man. I don’t want to embrace manhood; I want to embrace my womanhood.  (Pretend Quotes) There’s something very authentic about humor, when you think about it. Anybody can pretend to be serious. But you can’t pretend to be funny.  (Pretend Quotes) If you pretend to be good, the world takes you very seriously. If you pretend to be bad, it doesn’t. Such is the astounding stupidity of optimism.  (Pretend Quotes) Sometimes I pretend not to look at my own characters, because that’s like different people getting off with your girlfriend or something.  (Pretend Quotes) I am a very frank person and that’s how I hope to remain. I don’t like to pretend to be polite. What you see is what you get.  (Pretend Quotes) It’s difficult to speak with beautiful people. No matter how hard you try to pretend otherwise, you still want them to like you.  (Pretend Quotes) It’s one of the most beautiful things in the world, to go off and make a film. At the heart of it, making a film - it’s pretend. It’s a silly thing to do. But it can be important, and to have that experience with people you love is one of the best things you can do.  (Pretend Quotes) I didn’t want to be short. I’ve tried to pretend that being a short guy didn’t matter. I tried to make up for being short by affecting a strut, by adopting the voice of a much bigger man, by spending more money than I made, by tipping double or triple at bars and restaurants, by dating tall, beautiful women.  (Pretend Quotes) People like beauty and purity. They pretend that’s what it’s all about.  (Pretend Quotes) Just one more word. If I ever run into any of you bums on the street corner, just let’s pretend we never met before.  (Pretend Quotes) I didn’t fall into the category of the ‘classic Bond girl.’ I had short hair - and no Bond girl before me ever had. They put me in a wig at the beginning of the film, and then had my character cut her hair to pretend to be someone else. That was to explain why my hair was short.  (Pretend Quotes) I can’t pretend to be a teenager, but I feel like I never really stopped being a teenager  (Pretend Quotes) I remember playing with some friends and being aware that I was acting as I was playing with them - I would think of a character and pretend to be someone else. My parents also took me to ballet school, and there I think I was able to start communicating those feelings or emotions - I danced for so many years.  (Pretend Quotes) Whatever I am, it’s natural... I don’t have to pretend to be aggressive, don’t have to show the opposition that I am on the field. Being aggressive comes naturally to me, helps me perform.  (Pretend Quotes) I remember playing with some friends and being aware that I was acting as I was playing with them - I would think of a character and pretend to be someone else.  (Pretend Quotes)
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