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Pretend Quotes

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Let’s pretend there’s a pandemic. Let’s everybody run around and play your role. Main result is that there is tremendous confusion. ... Nobody knows who’s in charge. Nobody knows the chain of command.  (Pretend Quotes) Change is the only constant, and to turn one’s back and pretend that it is not coming is an exercise in futility.  (Pretend Quotes) While I am grateful for the friendships and relationships that I have with my Republican colleagues, it would be naive to pretend that those friendships will change the way that major policies are enacted in Arizona.  (Pretend Quotes) It was not compassion that led to Daniel’s change of heart, and it was not kindness. It was realizing that, against all odds, he had something in common with Jason Underhill. Like Daniel, Jason had learned the hard way that they we are never the people we think we are. We are the ones we pretend, with all our hearts, we can’t become.  (Pretend Quotes) I didn’t like Barbie dolls, so I used to have this overactive imagination, and I used to pretend to be all these different things. My weird childhood fetishes seem to have come to life now as an actor.  (Pretend Quotes) Imaginary friends are one of the weirder forms of pretend play in childhood. But the research shows that imaginary friends actually help children understand the other people around them and imagine all the many ways that people could be.  (Pretend Quotes) We know that segregation is evil. We know that the sickest children should not go to the worst hospitals. No, I refuse to pretend the problem is insufficient knowledge. We lack the theological will to do it.  (Pretend Quotes) Even the very youngest children already are perfectly able to discriminate between the imaginary and the real, whether in books or movies or in their own pretend play. Children with the most elaborate and beloved imaginary friends will gently remind overenthusiastic adults that these companions are, after all, just pretend.  (Pretend Quotes) I am not saying do not give people equal health services but do not pretend that giving more money for diabetes or chronic diseases means you are going to deal with the origins of health inequalities.  (Pretend Quotes) Sometimes, when I have to do something I don’t want to do, I pretend I’m a character from a book. It’s easier to know what they would do.  (Pretend Quotes) I took the whole college prep trajectory, and then in my senior year of high school, I decided that performing was something that I had always done as a kid, and I loved it... I said, ‘This makes people happy when I do this, I feel good, I get to pretend and explore other areas and learn so much’.  (Pretend Quotes) Traditions are imploding and exploding everywhere - everything is coming together, for better or worse, and we can no longer pretend we’re all living in different worlds because we’re on different continents.  (Pretend Quotes) Yes, it must be something that goes very well with my voice, let’s say something that I understand that this would be good communication with the others, and I don’t pretend for instance, to look for music that would be something that doesn’t go with my personality.  (Pretend Quotes) I can make beleive I have everything, but I can’t pretend that I don’t see that without you in my life is complete.  (Pretend Quotes) There’s a lot of conflict and darkness inside everybody’s family. We all pretend to outsiders that it’s not so, but behind locked doors, there are usually high emotions running.  (Pretend Quotes) Most of cooking is the labor of chopping. Give yourself a break. Pretend you’re on a cooking show and have all your ingredients lined up for you.  (Pretend Quotes) A tip: if you’re invited to your friend’s country club to go the lost and found bin and pretend that you left something there. Next thing you know, you have a fabulous sweater...  (Pretend Quotes) Lot of folks like to mock dumb history, and pretend it’s just a few idiots. Isn’t. It’s the country.  (Pretend Quotes) I think we spend so much of our lives trying to pretend that we know what’s going to happen next. In fact we don’t. To recognize that we don’t know even what will happen this afternoon and yet having the courage to move forward - that’s one meaning of faith.  (Pretend Quotes) It wasn’t until I stood in my truth and told everybody that I had $250,000 in credit card debt. At that point, everything turned around for me. I had to reveal the truth about what I didn’t have, more than pretend about what I did. That was interesting.  (Pretend Quotes) A movie camera is like having someone you have a crush on watching you from afar - you pretend it’s not there.  (Pretend Quotes) The hungry and the homeless don’t care about liberty any more than they care about cultural heritage. To pretend that they do care is cant.  (Pretend Quotes) Don’t buy one of those baby intercoms. Babies pretend to be dead. They’re bastards, and they do it on purpose.  (Pretend Quotes) Work at what you love the most, even if you’re only a two. Trust that your love for what your are doing will see you through. That’s not easy, but better to grow into what you love than to pretend you’re satisfied with a developmental dead end.  (Pretend Quotes) As crime writers, we put these characters, year after year, book after book, through the most horrendous trauma, dealing with grief and death and loss and violence. We can’t pretend that these things don’t affect these characters; they have to. If they don’t, then you’re essentially writing cartoons.  (Pretend Quotes) It’s hard for me to get interested in stories that ignore death, which is what American marketing culture would like to do: pretend that death doesn’t exist, that you can buy immortality; just buy these products, and you’ll be forever young and happy.  (Pretend Quotes) As a child, I spent a lot of time alone. I used to sit in my closet with one cracker. I’d pretend that I was on the North Pole freezing to death, and I had to somehow survive on this one tiny cracker.  (Pretend Quotes) I’m a novelist: I spend a great part of my day pretending to myself that I’m in a different world, being a different person, faced with decisions I pretend I haven’t created.  (Pretend Quotes) I love doing roles and movies that are different from each other. That’s kind of why I like to be an actor because I get to play different characters and pretend I’m different people going through different situations.  (Pretend Quotes) My husband acts and I have such respect for those that do it well, that I wouldn’t even try to pretend I can act.  (Pretend Quotes)
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