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Malevitch discovered abstraction as an experimental principle that can propel creative work to previously unheard levels of invention; this abstract work allowed much greater levels of creativity.  (Previously Quotes) It was very quiet at the hotel, as if there had been a death in the family. When you have quit the Tour, nobody really knows what to say or do. (...) Everything I’d previously achieved meant nothing; all I was now was a pro rider who couldn’t finish the Tour de France.  (Previously Quotes) The impossibility of a sequel ever recapturing everything - or anything - about its ancestor never stopped legions of writers from trying, or hordes of readers and publishers from demanding more of what they previously enjoyed.  (Previously Quotes) The sibling society is the flattening out of the previously democratic society  (Previously Quotes) The most significant moment in the course of intellectual development, which gives birth to the purely human forms of practical and abstract intelligence, occurs when speech and practical activity, two previously completely independent lines of development, converge.  (Previously Quotes) The terror and beauty of the dream come from the connection of previously unrelated mundanities of life.  (Previously Quotes) Electronic communication makes possible what has previously been excluded: namely, active, simultaneous and reciprocal contact between individuals across all frontiers constituted by countries, religions and continents.  (Previously Quotes) I loved reading when I was young. I was just completely taken by stories. And I remember taking that into English literature at school and taking that into Shakespeare and finding that opened up a whole world of self-expression to me that I didn’t have access to previously.  (Previously Quotes) I’m really enjoying learning new ideas because eventually I want to become a manager myself so I’m gathering all this information from managers now and previously.  (Previously Quotes) If someone really takes a risk, it doesn’t get dismissed. That’s what happened when the Oscar was won posthumously by Heath Ledger, who did one of the definitive villain performances of all time. But it really has to be exceptional in defining everything we previously knew about the actress or the actor.  (Previously Quotes) A succession of eye-openers each involving the repudiation of some previously held belief  (Previously Quotes) All of the previously described techniques can be practiced with your eyes open and closed. Most people find that it is easier initially to practice meditation with their eyes closed.  (Previously Quotes) There is nothing like fear to complicate one’s consciousness, inducing previously unknown levels of reflection  (Previously Quotes) With Halcyon’s technology, the pool of genetic information will grow by orders of magnitude in the course of months, offering the first real chance at cures for cancer and other previously intractable diseases.  (Previously Quotes) Orange juice from concentrate is labeled. Food coloring Red #5 is labeled. Fish are labeled as to whether they’ve been previously frozen. To a consumer, there’s no plausible reason why these factors should be on a food ingredient label while the presence of GMOs shouldn’t be.  (Previously Quotes) I’ve done a lot of work in the gym preparing myself for what is certain to be pretty strenuous pre-season training - something I’ve not previously experienced. And I knocked local football on the head this winter, simply to ensure I didn’t pick up any injuries.  (Previously Quotes) The essence of the miracle of forgiveness is that it brings peace to the previously anxious, restless, frustrated, perhaps tormented soul.  (Previously Quotes) The previous generation paved the way for my generation to gallop unheeded into jobs previously reserved for men.  (Previously Quotes) Pre-existing conditions for those previously insured must not lead to someone being unable to get insurance.  (Previously Quotes) Every time I get into a Nationwide car after being in a Cup car, I feel so much more comfortable than I did previously.  (Previously Quotes) And I sat there getting drunker and drunker and more in love and more in love...And you can never touch a girl in the same way more than once, twice, or another number of times however much you may wish to hold, wrap, or otherwise fix her hand, or look, or some other quality, or incident, known to you previously.  (Previously Quotes) In the first instance, therefore, global terrorism created a kind of global community sharing a common fate, something we had previously considered impossible.  (Previously Quotes) It’s created a very real chilling effect among our sources. They’ve become nervous about talking with us. They don’t want their phone numbers associated with us. And government employees who previously routinely talked to us, now won’t.  (Previously Quotes) I believe that the world has become more democratic and open. Women have become more outspoken, more active and competitive. They have achieved great accomplishments in many fields that were previously dominated by men.  (Previously Quotes) Only out of great vulnerability do you discover what strength you have. Having a daughter who I love with all my being has helped me mine the source of that strength to previously unknown depths.  (Previously Quotes) People keep inviting me back. It’s nice to work with the same people when you’ve had a good time previously, and this is one of those cases.  (Previously Quotes) In my worst moments, I think the biggest effect of ‘Eats, Shoots and Leaves’ was to kill the happiness of people who had previously skipped through life, unaware of all the atrocities lurking in the world around them.  (Previously Quotes) China’s headlong rush to industrialize was pursued with the most Marxist of prejudices - bending nature to man’s will. That’s a desperately hard trick to pull off when one fifth of humanity, having previously subsisted on 7 percent of the world’s freshwater supply, decides that it wants to instantaneously increase its caloric intake.  (Previously Quotes) You know, fate intervened. I went on to the DCMS committee to have a quieter life before the phone hacking scandal broke, and then ended up investigating the company that had libelled me previously when I was a minister.  (Previously Quotes)
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