Price Quotes

Text Quotes
The price we paid for the volumes of ourselves that we suffocated in the dark (Price Quotes)
Every effort under compulsion demands a sacrifice of energy. I never paid such a price (Price Quotes)
The price of excellence is discipline. The cost of mediocrity is disappointment (Price Quotes)
It's easier to explain price once than to apologize for quality forever (Price Quotes)
You don’t pay the price for success, you enjoy the benefits of success (Price Quotes)
After a long, hopeless war, people will settle for peace, at almost any price (Price Quotes)
Justice inclines her scales so that wisdom comes at the price of suffering (Price Quotes)
Freedom is not only bought with a great price; it is maintained by unremitting effort (Price Quotes)
Sin has been pardoned at such a price that we cannot henceforth trifle with it (Price Quotes)
Redemption is promised at the low price of surrender of your critical faculties (Price Quotes)
In this world people have to pay an extortionate price for any exceptional gift whatever (Price Quotes)
Determine value apart from price; progress apart from activity; wealth apart from size (Price Quotes)
We pay a price when special interests win out over the collective national interest (Price Quotes)
Too many people today know the price of everything and the value of nothing (Price Quotes)
The price of progress is trouble, and I must be making a lot of progress (Price Quotes)
The hell with it. Who never knew the price of happiness will not be happy (Price Quotes)
I never yet touched a fig leaf that didn’t turn into a price tag (Price Quotes)
Central banks stand ready to lease gold in increasing quantities should the price rise (Price Quotes)
A friend who offers help without asking for explanations is a treasure beyond price (Price Quotes)
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance and a willingness to act in its defense (Price Quotes)
Fatigue is the price of leadership. Mediocrity is the price of never getting tired (Price Quotes)
I think there will be PCs at every price point (Price Quotes)
The Price Is Right can really get me going (Price Quotes)
Shaw’s plays are the price we pay for Shaw’s prefaces (Price Quotes)
When bright young minds can’t afford college, America pays the price (Price Quotes)
The price of Justice is eternal publicity (Price Quotes)
I like Fisher Price music, nursery rhymes, and the alphabet song (Price Quotes)
Death is not too great a price for a life fully lived (Price Quotes)
Trust me, money can make you do anything. Everyone has a price (Price Quotes)
The price of inaction is far greater than the cost of making a mistake (Price Quotes)