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Where the army is, prices are high; when prices rise the wealth of the people is exhausted  (Prices Quotes) The desire of businessmen for profits is what drives prices down unless forcibly prevented from engaging in price competition, usually by governmental activity  (Prices Quotes) Only those who will be sellers of equities in the near future should be happy at seeing stocks rise. Prospective purchasers should much prefer sinking prices  (Prices Quotes) Interest rates are to asset prices what gravity is to the apple. When there are low interest rates, there is a very low gravitational pull on asset prices  (Prices Quotes) You can’t tell me you can make any system or country work with low wages and high prices, and high wages with high prices don’t mean anything when the prices eat up the wages and don’t leave anything over  (Prices Quotes) I don’t blame or complain about things like the economy, the government, taxes, employees, gas prices, or any of the external things that I don’t have control over. The only thing I have control over is my response to these things  (Prices Quotes) Market prices are always wrong in the sense that they present a biased view of the future  (Prices Quotes) We know, in other words, the general conditions in which what we call, somewhat misleadingly, an equilibrium will establish itself: but we never know what the particular prices or wages are which would exist if the market were to bring about such an equilibrium  (Prices Quotes) The proximity of an army causes prices to go up; and high prices cause people’s substance to be drained away. When their substance is drained away, they will be afflicted by heavy exactions. With this loss of substance and exhaustion of strength, the homes of the people will be stripped bare, and their incomes dissipated  (Prices Quotes) I contend that financial markets never reflect the underlying reality accurately; they always distort it in some way or another and the distortions find expression in market prices. Those distortions can, occasionally, find ways to affect the fundamentals that market prices are supposed to reflect  (Prices Quotes) Even though some down payments are borrowed, it would take a large, and historically most unusual, fall in home prices to wipe out a significant part of home equity. Many of those who purchased their residence more than a year ago have equity buffers in their homes adequate to withstand any price decline other than a very deep one  (Prices Quotes) I think one of the things people don’t understand is we can build more shareholder value by lowering product prices than we can by trying to raise margins. It’s a more patient approach, but we think it leads to a stronger, healthier company. It also serves customers much, much better  (Prices Quotes) Of course. I favor passive investing for most investors, because markets are amazingly successful devices for incorporating information into stock prices  (Prices Quotes) Healthcare providers will compete to offer the best record of patient safety at the lowest prices. Hospitals and patients will benefit from having accurate information about areas of excellence and areas that must be improved  (Prices Quotes) The prices of raw materials do not fluctuate directly with the labour cost of producing them  (Prices Quotes) Mr. Speaker, high natural gas prices and the summer spike in gasoline prices serve as a stark reminder that the path to energy independence is a long and arduous one  (Prices Quotes) With gas prices nationally, and especially in our area, increasingly on the rise, it is more crucial then ever that we take steps to diversify our energy sources and reduce our dependency on foreign oil  (Prices Quotes) We have seen a strong increase in oil prices and up to this year we see that the world has been able to absorb that  (Prices Quotes) Americans now know that housing prices can go down and they can go down by 10, 20, 30, and in some cases, 40 or 50 percent. We know they can go down. But five years ago, we thought they could only go up  (Prices Quotes) One of the prices that we pay for integration was the disintegration of the black community  (Prices Quotes) The prices are ridiculous... I don’t see how people can go back and forth to work or to school. How can we afford the gas?  (Prices Quotes) We ask from the heart that supermarkets, which are now more profitable and selling more, help us to take care of the pocketbook of the people by not raising prices  (Prices Quotes) Prices have stayed up because people in control of supply decided they could keep them up  (Prices Quotes) You could attach prices to thoughts. Some cost a lot, some a little. And how does one pay for thoughts? the answer, I think, is: with courage  (Prices Quotes) You could attach prices to ideas. Some cost a lot some little... And how do you pay for ideas? I believe: with courage  (Prices Quotes) Oil prices have fallen lately. We include this news for the benefit of gas stations, which otherwise wouldn’t learn of it for six months  (Prices Quotes) Signs of froth in some local markets where home prices seem to have risen to unsustainable levels  (Prices Quotes) That in the same open market, at any one moment, there cannot be two prices for the same kind of article  (Prices Quotes) Generally speaking, changes in the prices of finished goods are cost determined while changes in the prices of raw materials inclusive of primary foodstuffs are demand determined  (Prices Quotes) High elasticity means that unit output goes up more than prices went down, so you get a growth business  (Prices Quotes)
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