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There’s no question that demand for traditional sport utility vehicles has been affected by rising gas prices  (Prices Quotes) I think I can say, and say with pride, that we have some legislatures that bring higher prices than any in the world  (Prices Quotes) Rice at present prices provides more food for the money than most of the other cereals  (Prices Quotes) As long as there’s political uncertainty around the energy space, stock prices will come down  (Prices Quotes) We’ve got fuel prices coming down and good travel numbers coming out, so it’s not surprising airline stocks are going up  (Prices Quotes) We’re going to have shortages and prices are going to go up. Gasoline is going to be extremely tight for us  (Prices Quotes) I think any statement about stock prices is always suspect unless it’s made by Warren Buffett  (Prices Quotes) Moderation of oil prices would be very, very welcome. But overall I think we are in a position of stable growth, sustainable growth, and basically with inflation in check  (Prices Quotes) Well, there’s no doubt about the fact that, that higher energy prices lead to greater conservation, greater energy efficiency, and they also, of course, play a useful role on the supply side  (Prices Quotes) The more I see of democracy the more I dislike it. It just brings everything down to the mere vulgar level of wages and prices, electric light and water closets, and nothing else  (Prices Quotes) Increases in money supply are what constitute inflation, and a general rise in prices is the symptom  (Prices Quotes) We went into a recession in 2008 because of gasoline prices. The bubble burst in housing because people couldn’t pay their mortgages because of $4 a gallon gasoline  (Prices Quotes) Higher energy prices act like a tax. They reduce the disposable income people have available for other things after they’ve paid their energy bills  (Prices Quotes) The only way people are going to change their car buying habits, and the only way government will get behind alternatively fueled vehicles, is if gasoline prices continue to go up  (Prices Quotes) Women oftentimes are the ones making those economic decisions, sitting around the kitchen table and trying to figure out how to pay for rising gas prices or food prices or the health insurance costs  (Prices Quotes) I think, like everybody else in New Hampshire, when I pull up to fill up my car and I pay $50, I get upset. And I’m wondering if these prices are legitimate  (Prices Quotes) Instead of begging OPEC to drop its oil prices, lets use American leadership and ingenuity to solve our own energy problems  (Prices Quotes) My mother gave me this book called Feature Films at Used Car Prices by a guy named Rick Schmidt. I gotta credit the guy, cuz he gave me the most practical advice. It empowers you  (Prices Quotes) We cover hamburgers, chicken, veggie burgers, salads, we’ve got a pretty broad range. To me, McDonald’s isn’t only about the food. It’s about the prices, it’s about the way we eat  (Prices Quotes) I am pleased that the President has signed an Executive Order this week requiring federal agencies to disclose information about prices and quality of healthcare services  (Prices Quotes) Along with you, I have witnessed the unfortunate rise in gasoline prices that has accompanied the summer driving season and the more recent spike in prices due to Hurricane Katrina  (Prices Quotes) While prices of goods continue to rise, American worker’s wages remain stagnant  (Prices Quotes) I really haven’t been cognitive of gas prices. It wasn’t until I filled up my husband’s Toyota Prius Hybrid that I had a moment of understanding of how people who drive gas cars feel  (Prices Quotes) Prices are going up. Unemployment is continue to go up. And we have not had the necessary correction for the financial bubble created by our Federal Reserve system  (Prices Quotes) Tell me, what do they do for us in Bulgaria? Do they fix the prices? Or is there some kind of a free market?  (Prices Quotes) If Broadway shows charge preview prices while the cast is in dress rehearsal, why should restaurants charge full price when their dining room and kitchen staffs are still practicing  (Prices Quotes) As winter weather settles in around the country, millions of American families are facing skyrocketing home heating prices with even greater impact if cold temperatures persist into the spring  (Prices Quotes) We’ve passed an energy bill in the House, to help us be less reliant upon foreign oil so we can get gas prices down. But nothing happens in the Senate  (Prices Quotes) We all know that housing prices are going up, but what most people don’t realize is that this has become a family problem. Housing prices are rising twice as fast for families with kids  (Prices Quotes) Monetary inflation not only raises prices and destroys the value of the currency unit; it also acts as a giant system of expropriation  (Prices Quotes)
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