Pride is the mask of one's own faults

Pride is the mask of one's own faults
The proverb "Pride is the mask of one's own faults" speaks to the idea that pride often serves as a defense mechanism to cover up one's insecurities and shortcomings. When someone is overly proud or boastful, it can be a sign that they are trying to compensate for their own perceived inadequacies. In essence, pride becomes a mask that hides the true nature of a person's flaws.Pride is often associated with arrogance and a sense of superiority. People who are excessively proud may feel the need to constantly assert their dominance or importance in order to validate themselves. However, this outward display of pride can be a facade that conceals deeper feelings of insecurity or self-doubt. By projecting an image of confidence and self-assuredness, individuals can avoid confronting their own faults and weaknesses.