Pride Quotes

Text Quotes
Pride follows many paths, speaks in many voices and comes in many forms... Some stranger than others (Pride Quotes)
I think I can say, and say with pride, that we have some legislatures that bring higher prices than any in the world (Pride Quotes)
It is pride which fills the world with so much harshness and severity. We are rigorous to offenses as if we had never offended (Pride Quotes)
The pride of the heart is the attribute of honest men; pride of manners is that of fools; the pride of birth and rank is often the pride of dupes (Pride Quotes)
Turbulent, discontented men of quality, in proportion as they are puffed up with personal pride and arrogance, generally despise their own order (Pride Quotes)
What would the rose with all her pride be worth, were there no sun to call her brightness forth? (Pride Quotes)
We should reflect that whatever tempts the pride and vanity of ambitious persons is not so big as the smallest star which we see scattered in disorder and unregarded on the pavement of heaven (Pride Quotes)
Faints into airs and languishes with pride; on the rich quilt sinks with becoming woe, wrapt in a gown for sickness and for show (Pride Quotes)
Childhood often holds a truth with its feeble finger, which the grasp of manhood cannot retain, which it is the pride of utmost age to recover (Pride Quotes)
They who boast of their tolerance merely give others leave to be as careless about religion as they are themselves. A walrus might as well pride itself on its endurance of cold (Pride Quotes)
Oh, britannia the pride of the ocean the home of the brave and the free, the shrine of the sailor’s devotion, no land can compare unto thee (Pride Quotes)
Favors, and especially pecuniary ones, are generally fatal to friendship; for our pride will ever prompt us to lower the value of the gift by diminishing that of the donor (Pride Quotes)
I hate the countrie’s dirt and manners, yet I love the silence; I embrace the wit; a courtship, flowing here in full tide. But loathe the expense, the vanity and pride. No place each way is happy (Pride Quotes)
Pride of origin, whether high or low, springs from the same principle in human nature; one is but the positive, the other the negative, pole of a single weakness (Pride Quotes)
God’s sweet dews and showers of grace slide off the mountains of pride, and fall on the low valleys of humble hearts, and make them pleasant and fertile (Pride Quotes)
A proud woman who has learned to submit carries all her pride to the reinforcement of her submission, and looks down with severe superiority on all feminine assumption as unbecoming (Pride Quotes)
O, winter! Put away thy snowy pride; o, spring! Neglect the cowslip and the bell; o, summer! Throw thy pears and plums aside; o, autumn! Bid the grape with poison swell (Pride Quotes)
Tis man’s pride, his highest, worthiest, noblest boast, the privilege he prizes most, to stand by helpless woman’s side (Pride Quotes)
When a beautiful woman yields to temptation, let her consult her pride, though she forgets her virtue (Pride Quotes)
He that rightly understands the reasonableness and excellency of charity will know that it can never be excusable to waste any of our money in pride and folly (Pride Quotes)
Ridicule, which chiefly arises from pride, a selfish passion, is but at best a gross pleasure, too rough an entertainment for those who are highly polished and refined (Pride Quotes)
I hate when vice can bolt her arguments, and virtue has no tongue to check her pride (Pride Quotes)
There is no passion which steals into the heart more imperceptibly, and covers itself under more disguises, than pride (Pride Quotes)
Though the discoveries or acquisitions of man are not always adequate to the expectations of his pride, they are at least sufficient to animate his industry (Pride Quotes)
Men are sometimes accused of pride, merely because their accusers would be proud themselves were they in their places (Pride Quotes)
Painful and corporeal punishments should never be applied to fanaticism; for, being founded on pride, it glories in persecution (Pride Quotes)
Violent zeal for truth has a hundred to one odds to be either petulancy, ambition, or pride (Pride Quotes)
The sin of pride is the sin of sins; in which all subsequent sins are included, as in their germ; they are but the unfolding of this one (Pride Quotes)
The causes that govern the heart appear to be wholly alien to the results achieved. Are the forces that moved a desperate criminal the same that fill a martyr with pride, as both mount the scaffold? (Pride Quotes)
Vanity and pride sustain so close an alliance as to be often mistaken for each other (Pride Quotes)