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Primed Quotes

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A hotter, moister atmosphere is an atmosphere primed to trigger disasters  (Primed Quotes) Maine should be pleased that it's animal is not a waverer, and rather than fight, lets the primed quill fall. Shallow oppressor, intruder, insister, you have found a resister  (Primed Quotes) The middle class, in any society, plays the role of graphite rods in nuclear reactors: they slow down the reaction and, if it weren’t for them, the reactor would explode. A society without a middle class is a society primed for explosion  (Primed Quotes) If we were really tough on crime, we’d try to save our children from the desperation and deprivation that leave them primed for a life of crime  (Primed Quotes) Air is traditionally ‘thin,’ but the more we learn about our atmosphere, the more substantial it becomes. In some places it is so filled with inorganic flotsam that it is almost thick enough to plough; in others, it has become so primed with the by-products of life that it comes close to being a living tissue in its own right.  (Primed Quotes) A business based on brand is, very simply, a business primed for success  (Primed Quotes) Curbside is primed to fundamentally change the way people shop - by creating a seamless way for consumers to access products from local merchants - by successfully developing complex location and inventory technology.  (Primed Quotes) Rosa Parks was primed, she had the Civil Rights Movement behind her, she didn’t just decide to sit on the bus, it was strategic.  (Primed Quotes) Designers and musicians are primed to keep thinking forward. Once an album or collection launches, you can only think about doing the next one.  (Primed Quotes)