Principle Quotes

Text Quotes
A departure from principle in one instance becomes a precedent for a second; that second for a third; and so on, till the bulk of the society is reduced to be mere automatons of misery, to have no sensibilities left but for sin and suffering (Principle Quotes)
I think there’s an invisible principle of living too. If we believe we’re guided through every step of our lives, we are. It’s a lovely sight, watching it work (Principle Quotes)
Love requires that true education should be easily accessible to all and should be of use to every villager in this daily life. The emphasis laid on the principle of spending every minute of one’s life usefully is the best education for citizenship (Principle Quotes)
Tolerance is the first principle of community; it is the spirit which conserves the best that all men think (Principle Quotes)
Softness triumphs over hardness, feebleness over strength. What is more malleable is always superior over that which is immoveable. This is the principle of controlling things by going along with them, of mastery through adaptation (Principle Quotes)
Impermanence is a principle of harmony. When we don’t struggle against it, we are in harmony with reality (Principle Quotes)
You don’t have to explain yourself. Let your weakness be yours. Let your strength be everybody’s. You understand the principle? (Principle Quotes)
Mankind is at its best when it is most free. This will be clear if we grasp the principle of liberty. We must recall that the basic principle is freedom of choice, which saying many have on their lips but few in their minds (Principle Quotes)
Liberty is not just an idea, an abstract principle. It is power, effective power to do specific things. There is no such thing as liberty in general; liberty, so to speak, at large (Principle Quotes)
The principle that the end justifies the means is in individualist ethics regarded as the denial of all morals. In collectivist ethics it becomes necessarily the supreme rule (Principle Quotes)
What is the basic, the essential, the crucial principle that differentiates freedom from slavery? It is the principle of voluntary action versus physical coercion or compulsion (Principle Quotes)
Government seems to operate on the principle that if even one individual is incapable of using his freedom competently, no one can be allowed to be free (Principle Quotes)
The control of a large force is the same principle as the control of a few men: it is merely a question of dividing up their numbers (Principle Quotes)
No government can be maintained without the principle of fear as well as duty. Good men will obey the last, but bad ones the former only. If our government ever fails, it will be from this weakness (Principle Quotes)
Our notions with respect to the importance of life, and our attachment to it, depend on a principle which has very little to do with its happiness or its misery. The love of life is, in general, the effect not of our enjoyments, but of our passions (Principle Quotes)
It is not my interest to pay the principal, nor my principle to pay the interest (Principle Quotes)
... virtue is not merely a state in conformity with the right principle, but one that implies the right principle; and the right principle in moral conduct is prudence (Principle Quotes)
Every man’s reason is his own rightful umpire. This principle, with that of acquiescence in the will of the majority, will preserve us free and prosperous as long as they are sacredly observed (Principle Quotes)
Let no one charge me with ever having abused or encouraged weakness or surrendered on matters of principle. But I have said, as I say again, that every trifle must not be dignified into a principle (Principle Quotes)
A man that puts himself on the ground of moral principle, if the whole world be against him, is mightier than all of them (Principle Quotes)
I go on the principle that a public debt is a public curse and in a republican government more than in any other (Principle Quotes)
It is a principle that the right to a thing gives a right to the means without which it could not be used, that is to say, that the means follow their end (Principle Quotes)
Money is, with propriety, considered as the vital principle of the body politic; as that which sustains its life and motion, and enables it to perform its most essential functions (Principle Quotes)
I draw my idea of the form of government from a principle in nature, which no art can overturn, viz. that the more simple any thing is, the less liable it is to be disordered; and the easier repaired when disordered (Principle Quotes)
In order to be happy, human beings must feel they are continuing to grow. Clearly, we must adopt the concept of continuous improvement as a daily principle (Principle Quotes)
I believe in the separation of church and state and would not use my authority to violate this principle in any way (Principle Quotes)
Even matter called inorganic, believed to be dead, responds to irritants and gives unmistakable evidence of a living principle within. Everything that exists, organic or inorganic, animated or inert, is susceptible to stimulus from the outside (Principle Quotes)
The principle of contradiction establishes merely the agreement of concepts, but does not itself produce concepts (Principle Quotes)
It is a universal principle that you get more of what you think about, talk about, and feel strongly about (Principle Quotes)
All of our dignity consists in thought. Let us endeavor then to think well; this is the principle of morality (Principle Quotes)